  • 學位論文


The Impact of Patent System on the Development of Green Technologies

指導教授 : 謝銘洋


為因應氣候變遷帶來之影響,在國際公約與各國政策推動下,綠色科技產業已成為近年來快速新興發展之產業。對於綠色科技研發成果之保護,智慧財產權之保護為主要之機制,其中尤以專利制度之排他權效力最強且為主要之保護方式。因此本文將以專利制度為中心,探討為促進綠色科技之研發與擴散,目前之專利制度於綠色科技發展中之角色及帶來之影響為何,並進一步探討,如何使專利制度能更積極之推動綠色科技之發展,以達到專利制度促進社會發展之目的。 本文擬分成兩大部分探討上述問題,第一部分先針對專利制度對於綠色科技之研發與擴散之影響為何,重點在於專利制度是否會成為綠色科技移轉至開發中國家之阻礙。第二部分接著探討,為達到促進綠色科技研發與擴散之目的,目前之專利政策是否有調整之必要,此部分將區分成綠色科技專利之取得面與擴散面分別探討之,並針對既有之相關鼓勵政策與自發性機制為說明比較。 最後,隨著綠色科技之蓬勃發展,可能引發之競爭法上相關問題亦應注意。特別應注意者係,由於綠色科技產業之相關技術標準制定逐漸增加,有可能導致標準必要專利之情形出現,此時如何調和專利權保護與競爭秩序維護之衝突,本文對此亦有進行初步之探討。


In response to the impact of climate change has brought, green technologies which the international convention and some national’s policy have promoted have become one of the rapid development industries recently. IPRs is the main mechanism for the protection of green technologies, especially patent system which will give patentee an exclusive right to exclude others from using the patented technology is a main way to protect the results of R&D. Therefore, this study will focus on the patent system how to stimulate the innovation and dissemination of green technologies, and the role of the patent system and its possible impact on the development of green technologies. Furthermore, this study would also discuss what the patent system could do to promote the development of green technologies in order to achieve the purpose of the patent system to advance the benefit of the society. This study would mainly divides into two parts to explore these issues. The first part will discuss the role of patent system and its possible impact on the green technologies. This section will focus on whether the patent right would hinder the green technologies transfer to the developing countries or not.Then the second part will discuss whether the patent system should be adjusted or not in order to achieve the purpose of promoting the development and dissemination of green technologies.This section would further divides into two parts, the obtain and the diffusion of green technology patent.Furthermore, this section would also discuss the related incentive patent policy and other mechanisms which founded by private enterprise. Last, with the fast development of green technology, the issues of competition law should be also noted. Particularly, because the relevant standards for green technologies has gradually increased, these standards might lead to the standard essential patent.At this time, how to balance between the protection of patent right and maintain the market competition order is also the topic of this study.


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