  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study on Transparency of Environmental Information in Corporate Sustainable Development

指導教授 : 唐代彪


本研究背景緣起於關注全球暖化造成極端氣候引發災情頻起之現象,使地球上的每一份子必須去反思周遭環境的劇變。經由探索環境議題對個人、社會與國家之衝擊引伸永續發展之概念。進入全球化、資訊科技時代,要求透明化的聲浪是永續發展的驅動力,亦是關注環境議題的助力。因私部門企業是全球開發中及已開發國家的重要經濟支柱,亦是造成環境生態改變的主要來源,故本研究擇定企業永續發展環境議題揭露之透明度為研究主題。 由於電子業在臺灣經濟發展過程扮演重要角色,故以隨機抽樣方式選取國內100家電子工業上市公司作為研究對象,以其年報揭露方式之永續發展環境資訊為觀察標的。就樣本之變數作描述性統計、差異性檢定及相關性分析,並以政府、社會、企業三方觀點建構之邏輯斯迴歸模型,預測永續發展觀念下之提升環境資訊透明度之準確率,及三方個別觀點對於提升永續發展環境資訊透明度之影響力。 實證結果顯示: 一、政府機構持股比例、獨立董事與監察人人數、從業員工平均服務年資、毛利率之自變數,對於企業永續發展環境資訊透明度之提升具正向影響力。二、政府(政府機構持股比例、全體董監持股設質比例、經濟部投審會核准赴中國大陸投資金額、獨立董事與監察人人數)、社會(有無依全球永續性報告架構國際規範編製企業社會責任報告書、從業員工人數、平均年齡、平均服務年資)、企業(毛利率、每股盈餘、負債占資產比率、研究發展費用)三方觀點建構之邏輯斯迴歸模型,整體配適度達顯著水準,對於企業提升永續發展環境資訊之透明度之預測準確率為80%。 本研究發現如下: 一、政府部門對於其投資之企業能發揮提升環境資訊揭露之影響力。二、企業之獨立董事監察人之制衡力量能有助於提升環境資訊透明度。三、持久的僱傭關係隱含永續發展之精神,與企業環境資訊之揭露能發揮相乘效應。四、企業破除成本價格競逐之迷思,有利於提升環境資訊透明度。 綜上,本研究貢獻希冀作為政府、社會、企業之切入與發展方向。 研究建議如下: 一、政府應促使四大基金投資之企業與民營化之國營企業積極回應及提升環境資訊透明度。二、政府應強化獨立董事監察人督促企業揭露環境資訊之職能。三、企業應力行與員工間互相溝通環境議題,俾使企業其成長效益回饋於社會。四、企業應深耕品牌、服務創新,以永續經營理念因應氣候變遷,開創環境與經濟雙贏之競爭優勢。


The background of this research originates from the extreme weather phenomena throughout the world, leading to frequent disasters and making all people on earth to react and think about the drastic changes of their living environment. Through the exploration of environmental issues, the concept of sustainable development has been extended. The world has entered the era of globalization, and information technology has changed rapidly. The voice of requesting transparency is the driving force of sustainable development, and it is also an unavoidable issue and support of caring for environmental issue. Since private enterprises are the major economic pillars of developed and developing countries around the world, they are also the major sources of environmental and ecological changes. Therefore, the uncovered transparency of environmental issues on corporate sustainable development is selected as the topic of this research. As the electronics industry plays an important role in Taiwan's economic development process, random sampling of 100 listed electronics companies are selected as the object of this study. The sustainable development and environmental information disclosed by Annual Report are taken as the subject of observation. Descriptive statistics, test on differences and correlation analysis are conducted on the variables of the sample. The logistic regression model constructed by the tripartite views of government, society and enterprises is to be used to predict the probability of enhancing transparency of environmental information under the concept of sustainable development. In addition, the influence of individual perspective from government, society and enterprise on transparency enhancement of sustainable development and environmental information will be analyzed. Empirical results show that: (1) Shareholding ratio of government agency, number of independent board directors and supervisors, employee’s average years of service and independent variable of gross profit margin have positive effects on enhancing transparency of corporate sustainable development and environmental information. (2) The logistic regression model and overall goodness of fit constructed by the views of government (shareholding ratio of government agency, shareholding ratio and pledged ratio of all board directors and supervisors, amount of investment to mainland China approved by Investment Commission, Ministry of Economic Affairs and number of independent board directors and supervisors), society (whether Corporate Social Responsibility Report, number of employees, average age and average years of service are prepared in accordance with Global Reporting Initiative framework international norms) and enterprises (gross profit margin, earnings per share, debt to total assets ratio, R&Dcost) have achieved significant level. The predicted accuracy of transparency for corporate sustainable development and environmental information is 80%. The findings are described as follows: (1) The government is capable of enhancing its influence over disclosure of environmental information to its invested businesses; (2) The balance of power held by the independent board directors and supervisors of enterprises are able to help improve the transparency of environmental information; (3) Long-lasting employment relations imply the spirit of sustainable development, and disclosure of corporate environmental information can play a multiplying effect; (4) Enterprises get rid of the myth of competitive price, which is helpful to improve the transparency of environmental information. In summary, this research wishes to provide development guidance for government, society and enterprises. Recommendations are given as follows: (1) Government should encourage the four fund investment companies and privatized state-owned enterprises to positively response and enhance the transparency of environmental information; (2) Government should strengthen the functions of the independent board directors and supervisors to urge enterprises to expose environmental information; (3) Enterprises should communicate with employees and stress on environmental issues so that growth effectiveness of enterprises can be contributed to the community; (4) Enterprises should have in-depth development on brand, innovative service, the concept of sustainable development in response to climate change and creation of environmental and economic win-win competitive advantages.


David Held & Anthony McGrew(2002).Governing Globalization:Power, Authority and Global Governance. Cambridge, UK:Polity Press.
黃劭彥、吳東憲、紀怡如(2009)。企業網站環境會計資訊揭露影響因素之研究。會計與公司治理,第六卷第一期1-30 頁。
