  • 學位論文


China’s Foreign Policy toward the R.O.K during Hu Jingtao’s Period

指導教授 : 陳明通


本研究主要探討胡錦濤時期中國對韓國外交政策,中國謀求以和平穩定,強化「睦鄰政策」的背景下,胡錦濤第一任期中,中韓關係由「建立面向21世紀的中韓合作夥伴關係」發展為「全面合作夥伴關係」,胡錦濤第二任期中,中韓關係再次由「全面合作夥伴關係」發展到「戰略合作夥伴關係」。本研究主要目的為了解中國對韓國外交政策之戰略與考量、探討中國對韓國外交政策決定三個因素:國際因素、中國因素、朝鮮半島因素、評估中國對韓「合作夥伴關係」外交政策之限制。 本論文全文分為七章,第一章為緒論,探討研究動機與目的。第二章為相關理論回顧與文獻探討,首先介紹外交與外交政策的概念,也介紹各戰略三角理論: 一、個體戰略三角理論 ,最後探討外交政策決定理論:一、 J.Rosenau的Pre-Theory理論,二、P. McGowan和H. Shapiro的外交政策理論,三、 Thompson和Macridis的外交政策理論,四、 L.Jensen的外交政策決策模式。第三章為研究設計,探討研究途徑、方法、架構、對象、範圍與限制。第四章為中國對韓國外交信念與戰略考量,主要回顧中國建立以來中國對韓國外交政策政策,可分為毛澤東時期、鄧小平時期、江澤民時期。第五章為胡錦濤時期中國對韓國外交戰略考量,主要探討中國的外交目標、「合作夥伴關係」的概念與現狀、影響中國對韓國外交政策決定的三個因素:一、國際因素,二、中國因素,三、朝鮮半島因素。第六章為胡錦濤時期中國對韓國外交政策與評估,是研究中韓建立「戰略合作夥伴關係」的結構之下,研究兩國關係發展現狀,而評估「合作夥伴關係」戰略的限制。最後第七章則是針對主要研究發現為做出結論。


This study is aimed at discussing China’s foreign policy towards Korea in the reign of Hu administration. With a view to seeking peace and stability as well as enhancing “Good Neighbor” policy, the Sino-Korean relations has transformed from “establishing the Sino-Korean partnership in the 21st century” to “developing a comprehensive partnership” during the first term of Hu Jintao, the President of the People’s Republic of China. Moreover, during the second term of President Hu, the relations has been advanced again from developing “a comprehensive partnership” to “a strategic partnership.” This study will focus on comprehending the strategies and concerns of Chinese government in terms of its foreign policy towards Korea and discussing the elements determining it from the perspectives of international, China, and Korean Peninsula aspects so as to discover the restrictions of Chinese partnership with Korea. This study is divided into seven chapters with the first chapter explaining its motivation and objectives. The second chapter is the literature review, introducing the concept of foreign affairs and policies along with various strategic triangle theories such as “individual strategic triangle theory,” “the Pre-Theory of J.Rosenau,” “the foreign policy theory of P. McGowan and H. Shapiro,” “the foreign policy theory of Thompson and Macridis,” and “L. Jensen’s decision-making model of foreign policies.” The third chapter is concerning the study’s approach, method, framework, subject, scope, and limits. As for the fourth chapter, it is regarding the Chinese government’s belief and strategic concerns of its foreign policy towards Korea in terms of the Mao administration, the Deng administration, and the Jiang administration. The fifth chapter is regarding the Hu administration’s strategic concerns towards Korea in terms of its goals of foreign affairs, the concept and present situations of Sino-Korean partnership, and the elements determining Chinese Communist foreign policy towards Korea from the perspectives of international, China, and Korean Peninsula aspects. The six chapter is regarding the present situations of Sino-Korean relations under the structure of “strategic partnership” so as to discover its limits, while the seventh chapter is the conclusion.


