  • 學位論文


Design and Synthesis of Porphyrin Derivatives with Ionic and Biuret Self-assembled Functional Groups and Characterization of their Nanostructures

指導教授 : 汪根欉


我們設計與合成了一系列具有離子基團及雙縮脲基團的紫質衍生物,藉由掃描式與穿透式電子顯微鏡等工具來鑑定紫質衍生物自組裝之奈米結構,以研究分子結構與其自組裝微結構的相對關係。T-p-diimdiuZnPPF6分子具雙縮脲基團以及離子基團,於乙腈與氯仿的混合溶劑會自組裝形成奈米管狀結構。 改變配對離子或離子基團數目,研究分子結構與自組裝結構的相對關係。我們設計了T-diimPX(X=PF6/Br)及T-tertimPX(X=PF6/Br)。首先探討配對離子的不同對自組裝結構的影響,於乙腈下T-diimPPF6及T-diimPBr分子自組裝形成奈米球及奈米花辦狀結構結晶;而T-tertimPPF6及T-tertimPBr分子自組裝形成奈米球及星狀結構結晶。並探討離子基團數目的差異對自組裝結構的影響,於乙腈下T-diimPPF6及T-tertimPPF6分子皆形成奈米球,但是奈米球的平均大小不同。T-diimZnPPF6是紫質中心具有鋅離子的分子,與T-diimPPF6紫質中心沒有鋅離子的分子相比,在自組裝形成的結構上會有差異。


自組裝 紫質 奈米管 奈米球


We design a series of porphyrin derivatives with self-assembly motifs to study the correlation between molecular structure and self-assembled nanostructure. We use scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy as tools to identify the self-assembled structures of porphyrin derivatives. It is observed that the formation of different nano-morphologies can be manipulated by solvent compositions and/or the structural features. T-p-diimdiuZnPPF6 with biurets substitutions and ionic terminal substitutions forms one-dimension tubes. Different counter ions and different numbers of ionic groups form distinct nano-morphologies. We design a series of porphyrin compounds T-diimPX(X=PF6/Br) and T-tertimPX(X=PF6/Br) to study the correlation between molecular structures and self-assembled nanostructures. T-diimPPF6 possesses a pair of ionic substitutions, whereas T-tertimPPF6 comprises two pairs of ionic groups. Moreover, the electrostatic interactions of T-tertimPPF6 is more notable, thus self-assemble into distinct structures. In addition, T-diimZnPPF6 chelate with zinc metal in the cores of porphyrins which differ from T-diimPPF6, due to the fact that chelating with or without zinc metal causes T-diimZnPPF6 and T-diimPPF6 to form diversity nano-morphologies.


self-assembly porphyrin nanotube


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