  • 學位論文


A Study for Taiwan’s Vigorous Participation in International Non-government Organizations (NGOs):Exemplified by Taiwan’s Efforts to Transform Taipei City into the Headquarter of Global Councils Forum

指導教授 : 張亞中


本論文主要以台灣位處西太平洋島鏈又處與中國大陸一海之隔的中國大陸東南一隅,均以華文為共同語言文字,台灣其四百年來全球地位的重要性,對照歐盟小國比利時首都布魯塞爾及德法邊界法國阿爾薩斯省首都史特拉斯堡分別為歐盟的行政及立法首都暨中國大陸海南島博鰲之為亞洲首都。台灣在1971年退出聯合國後被中國大陸到處打壓,到2010年兩岸簽署ECFA後,台灣應思考如何重返國際社會,包含如何加入聯合國。而本文認為應從積極參與國際NGO開始。本論文透過文獻回顧台灣NGO的國際參與經驗及其所面臨的挑戰及限制,得出以國際NGO做為兩岸共同參與的實踐場域的「第三條路(The Third Way)」,而台灣不只要積極參與國際NGO,還要思考如何以台灣在全球的特殊地位來打造台灣台北為國際NGO總部。本論文另就台北市在台灣都會走廊中的發展定位暨台北在全球化亞太區域地位之比較來分析台北作為國際NGO總部的條件。本論文以紐約為聯合國總部而為公認的世界首都,本論文就是思考如何打造台灣台北為國際NGO總部時,使台灣台北成為繼紐約之後的另一個世界首都。而如何打造台灣台北為國際NGO總部、世界地球國首都?本論文以自身參與台灣台北地方自治經驗觀察,並實際了解全球國會議員的聯盟組織暨各國地方議員聯盟組織現況,發覺迄今尚未有各國地方議員聯盟的全球性組織存在,乃以透過籌組台灣地方民代公益論壇並於舉辦2014年度論壇時邀請美國、日本、歐盟的全國性及全歐地方議員聯盟會長齊聚台北參與國際論壇,並藉機發起籌組全球地方議員論壇,預計於2015年八月下旬由台北籌辦第一屆全球地方議員論壇,並爭取將全球地方議員論壇總部設在台北等的具體作為來做為本論文的具體實踐第一步。而在這以國際NGO做為兩岸共同參與的實踐場域之具體作為時,發覺張亞中教授的兩岸簽署和平協議、兩岸統合、一中三憲、兩岸三席暨黃年所主張的大屋頂中國理論和許信良的中國議會主張,大陸學者閻學通的兩岸蘇聯模式入聯主張,及2013年6月吳習會的一中框架、一中架構主張,均是對達成本論文的研究課題有具體加分發揮臨門一脚達成之功效。而本論文的以「打造台北為全球地方議員論壇總部」,來做為以國際NGO做為兩岸共同參與的實踐場域,正可以是台灣完全被排除在國際社會或是參加國際政府組織之外的「第三條路(The Third Way) 」,亦可以說是台灣在「避陸戰略兩岸對立深、聯陸戰略政治風險大」兩難路徑外的「第三條路(The Third Way)」。


In 1971, the UN expelled Taiwan, ROC and transferred China's seat to the People's Republic of China (PRC). From that time up until recently, the PRC has suppressed Taiwan everywhere, trying to frustrate it in each respect on the international stage. However, in 2010 the two sides signed the ECFA, and after that time, Taiwan pondered on how to rejoin the international society, including how to return to the United Nations. This thesis considers that Taiwan should take active participation in International NGOs (INGOs) as the first step to reach the purpose. Through the literature review, this thesis found that in view of the previous participation experience involved in the INGOs and the challenges and limitations Taiwan faced, providing a practical field for INGOs activities for the cross-strait joint participation, as called “The Third Way” in this thesis, could be a ideal solution to deal with the situation. Under the theory of “The Third Way”, this thesis analyzes that Taiwan should not just participate in INGOs activities; instead, Taiwan should consider how to transform Taipei City into the INGOs’ headquarters by virtue of its special status in the world. As New York City is generally recognized as the “World Capital”, one hand this thesis contemplates transforming Taipei City into the Headquarters of the INOGs; on the other hand its viewpoint is to make Taipei City become another World Capital after New York City. To collect the study materials for this thesis, the author utilized his own 25-year Taipei City councilor experiences and studied related documentation to deeply understand the currently existing global parliament assemblies as well as the local councils associations. The author found that not ever had an organization, which globally assembles national or regional council, been established in the world. By calling the 2014 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Local Councils Representatives Community Forum (TCF) in June, the founder of TCF, the author himself, took the opportunity to introduce the initiation of the establishment of the Global Councils Forum (GCF) to the invited foreign attendees, the presidents of the state/regional/local legislative associations from the USA, Japan and the EU, and proposed hosting the first GCF Meeting in Taipei in 2015, and locating the Headquarters of the GCF in Taipei. From the initiation of the GCF to hosting the first meeting to GCF’s Headquarters proposal, all of these structured routes have initially reflected the keynote study in this thesis. This thesis aims to explore the practice and future path of establishing Taipei as the INGOs’ Headquarters and the World Capital through the GCF organization. If supporting with the domestic political theories, such as Cross-Strait Peace Agreement, Cross-Strait Integrating, One China Three Constitutions and Three Seats across the Straits in Professor Chang Ya-Chung, China under One Roof Expanded in Huang Nian, Chinese Parliamentary Advocate in Hsu Hsin-liang, and With Soviet Model to UN for Two Sides in Mainland scholar Yan Xuetong, as well as One China Framework and One China Structure in Wu-Xi Meeting (June 2013), all of these theories will perfect the research topics of this thesis. When Taiwan is fundamentally excluded in the international society and from participation in International Government Organizations, this thesis found that transforming Taipei City into the INGOs’ Headquarters as the field of practice for the cross-strait mutual participation provides a third way, a way that Taiwan could resolve the "deep antagonism arises if taking indirect contact with Mainland China” and “huge political risks exist if seeking cooperation with Mainland China" dilemma.




