  • 學位論文


The Mawei-Matsu (Liang Ma) Lantern Festival: Identity/Development Imagination of Matsu Enclave

指導教授 : 徐進鈺


本研究聚焦「兩馬同春鬧元宵」燈會的論述形構,這是由台灣馬祖和中國福州馬尾兩個地方政府共同舉辦的傳統民俗文藝活動。透過聚焦夾雜在中國大陸與台灣之間的飛地──馬祖,從務實地緣政治取徑、飛地研究理論與文化區域主義視角,討論兩馬同春鬧元宵如何反映對馬祖的地緣政治空間及其地位的想像。 藉由馬尾和馬祖地方官員的談話、採訪、政府報告和實地觀察,本研究首先分析了馬尾在傳統民俗下如何從共同海洋文化,軍事戍衛關係和台灣意象重新解讀馬祖。兩馬同春鬧元宵便是地方政府用地域文化與地域認同來建構閩東這個區域主義當中特殊性的重要媒介,利用民俗文化推動兩馬區域主義的形成,讓馬尾成為中國政治經濟再結構跟區域文化重構下對台的主要行動者。在地方分權的脈絡下,馬尾以海洋為目的,是建構一套足以正當化申遺行為,而過程中台灣不僅不能排除之外,更向它投射了馬尾自我的發展慾望。所以,造成在又必須要論證兩馬之間確實有交流基礎下,一方面對馬祖進行差序性地位安排,卻又另一方面對其加諸於台灣的現代性想像。其次,馬祖官員的接納、轉化及競爭回應策略,則揭示了縣交旅局與縣文化處對馬祖抱以發展邏輯與草根邏輯的不同想像面對來自馬尾敘事之同時,卻又如何巧妙地共同以邊緣島嶼下的主體性思維,將兩局處彼此看似衝突的邏輯闡連一起,也就是在透過與台灣及馬尾之間的去/再領域化論述鬥爭過程中,使馬祖產生四鄉五島為一體的再領域化,強化馬祖的自我認同。 借鑒母國─飛地─鄰國三角(MES三角形)的框架,本研究從兩馬官方交流互動的特殊視角,說明馬尾的觀點尷尬地形成了使馬祖屬於閩東文化圈之際,卻又帶有濃厚台灣意象的搖擺飛地形象。而針對馬尾建構的飛地形象,馬祖官員的回應策略則從邊緣性思考,提出馬祖四鄉五島作為一體的再領域化論述。本研究表明,飛地就是置身國界邊緣而被加以價值判斷的分裂領土,結合具體政策實踐的官方論述有能力影響認同政治,治理政策的意識形態塑造了作為論述戰場的飛地其地緣政治主體性。


馬祖 馬尾 地緣政治 飛地 論述分析


This paper highlights the discourse formation of Mawei-Matsu (Liang Ma) Lantern Festival, an event transformed from local traditional folklore that is jointly held by the two local government of Matsu from Taiwan and Mawei from Fuzhou, China. By focusing on Matsu, an enclave sandwiched in between China and Taiwan, the practical geopolitics discipline, enclave theory and cultural regionalism perspective are stressed to discuss the spatial imagination shaped through the Lantern Festival. Through the conversation and interview with Mawei and Matsu local officials, government reports and field observation, this paper first analyses how Mawei shapes Matsu under the re-interpretation of traditional folklore from three aspects: common sea culture, military safeguard relationship and Taiwan image. Mawei-Matsu (Liang Ma) Lantern Festival is the important media for local government to build the specialty within Mindong as a regionalism by local culture and local identity. Folk culture promotes the making of Liang Ma regionalism and Mawei thus becomes the main actor to Taiwan under the re-constructing of Chinese politico-economics and regional culture. In the context of local decentralization, the ocean metaphor from Mawei is for constructing a set of justified acts of proposing the non-intangible heritage. Taiwan cannot only be excluded through this justification process, but it projects the development desire of Mawei. Therefore, it is necessary to argue that there is, on the one hand, indeed a communication between Liang Ma with a differential order, but the modern imagination of Taiwan is also imposed on Matsu on the other hand. Secondly, the acceptation, transformation and competition response strategies of the Matsu officials reveal that the Matsu Tourism & Transportation Department with the developmental logic and the Matsu Cultural Affairs Department with the grassroots logic have different views to the Mawei narratives. However, these logics cleverly articulate together by a common subjective thinking: island on the edge. The thinking above forms this four-township-five-island county to re-territorialize as one subject and strengthen the self-identity of Matsu. Borrowing from the framework of Mainland-Enclave-Surrounding country Triangle (MES triangle), the study explains from the special insight of Liang Ma official communication dynamics. While the vision of Mawei awkwardly forms a shaking enclave image of Matsu back and forth between its mainland and surrounding countries, the response narratives of Matsu coordinately raise the county as one re-territorialized subject. Finally, this study concludes with the definition of enclave as a place of fragmented and value-judged territory positioned on the edge of national boundaries. The official narratives with the combination of practical policy practice have power to influence identical politics, and the ideology of official policy brings the geopolitical subjectivity to enclave that serves as a discursive battlefield.


Matsu Mawei geopolitics enclave discourse analysis


林美容、陳緯華(2008)馬祖列島的浮屍立廟研究:從馬港天后宮談起。臺灣人類學刊,6 ( 1 ),103-132。
