  • 學位論文

計劃與管制: 一個台灣升學主義的經濟學分析

Planning and Regulations: An Economic Analysis of Taiwan Education Rush

指導教授 : 吳聰敏


數十年來,「升學主義」是台灣社會一個眾所關心的議題。從經濟學的角度觀之,「升學主義」指的是教育市場長期、持續存在超額需求之現象; 換言之, 升學主義是供需問題。對此供需失衡現象的出現, 過往解釋強調士大夫文化等傳統觀念, 以及政府管制教育機會之影響; 不過, 本文提出第3種因素: 教育市場的價格 (學費) 扮演之角色。本文首先檢視1970年代迄今, 台灣的大學學費制度以及招生、設校情形。以此為基礎, 本文發現1970年代以來, 台灣的大學教育市場存在以下特徵: (1) 特殊的價格結構; (2) 供給與價格同時受到管制; (3) 公私立大學學費差距拉大。利用經濟分析, 本文說明上述特徵對於台灣升學主義如何產生推波助瀾的效果。進而言之, 本文認為台灣的大學教育市場存在促成升學主義之誘因; 政府的供給與價格管制, 對此誘因的形成扮演了一個關鍵的角色。


The "Education Rush" have raised much concern in Taiwan since 1950s. This term represents a phenomenon of which parents and students showed a strong urge for pursuing educational accomplishments, which in turn brought about intense competition in enrollment exams, stressful studying, and school derailment. From the economic point of view, the nature of this phenomenon is long-time "excess demand" in the education market. For decades, the "scholar-official envy" in Chinese society and the limitations to education opportunities were regarded as the main cause of this excess demand; however, this paper will show that the price (tuition and fees included) of education also plays a crucial role. The first-half of this paper examines the supply and price of the higher education market in Taiwan since 1970s, which suggests that both of them were strictly regulated, especially in the 1970-80s. Combined with economic analytical framework, the second-half of this paper shows how the features in Taiwan's higher education market helped to form and intensify the Education Rush.


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