  • 學位論文


Study on the Institutional Elements of Urban Regeneration Special District

指導教授 : 林建元


市中心衰敗、經濟重心移轉等問題嚴峻,都市再生與活化早已成為已開發國家各大城市近年來所共同面臨的重要課題之一。過去規劃管制在對於開發建設維持環境以及居住品質之良善考量之下,制度規範缺乏市場反應彈性,地方政府間競相爭取來自中央的財政補助以便作為推動建設與都市再生的重要籌碼。在有限的資源之下,與其被動地給與地方政府財源補助,治本之道應是思考何以賦予地方政府穩定而長遠、籌措都市再生之獨立財源。為突破既有行政體制下的種種限制,各國先後發展出各種「特區」,以使地方政府能夠靈活地推動都市再生。本研究的目的即在於透過國外經驗的比較分析,探討都市再生特區的度要素,並以台北市作為個案研究對象。 本論文首先比較分析美國TID、BID、以及日本構造改革特區等幾種模式,他們都是有助於地方政府獲得推動都市再生上必要資源之「都市再生特區」制度。透過相關研究的回顧與探討,並將之與臺北之特區案例綜合分析以比較其制度要素之特色。綜整此些特區的制度性架構,除了歸納出幾種都市再生特區之構成要素外,本論文採取AHP專家問卷法就該些構成要素以及其替選方案進行相對重要性的權重排序,以臺北市的URS都市再生前進基地作為文化引導型都市再生特區的案例,並與TID、BID及構造改革特區等都市再生特區制度進行整合性的分析比較。 透過AHP專家問卷分析,本論文就都市再生特區構成要素的各種規劃替選方案之間進行相對重要性的排序,探討「在資源有限下,得以使都市再生效果最大化」之特區制度應具有何種特質,並以之作為臺北市今後針對URS都市再生前進基地之制度改良或新都市再生特區創設時之之建議。除了一改現下短期性、過渡性的使用而朝向長期性的政策年期設定之外,更應鼓勵一般民間之個人積極進行特區之提案以及參與特區的治理。此外,本論文分別針對今後各都市之地方政府於採取特區推行都市再生之際,得以優先採行的特區規劃策略之通盤性建議。針對上位主管的中央政府─行政院文建會,亦提出未來其在協助地方政府推行都市再生特區時期角色定位,應是一資源提供者、而擺脫既有中央政府對於地方政府的控管及指導角色。


Due to the fact that most cities in developed countries are facing to economic decline in central civic districts, urban regeneration and revitalization have become an critical task for contemporary urban planning and development. Since the traditional administration system lacks flexibility to accommondate the changing market demand, a variety of “special district” and “special zone” for various local governments have been developed and mainly aimed to solve financial problems for the implementation of urban regeneration. The purpose of this research is to identify and to analyze the critical elements required for urban regeneration special districts. This research begins with comparative anaslysis of different models of Urban Regeneration Special District (URSD), including TID, BID and Structural Reform Special District (SRSD), that which all help municipals getting essential resources for promoting urban regeneration. Through comparation of the advantages and disadvantages of these special districts including the case of Taipei, the institutional elements of different models are identified. By means of AHP approach, relative importance of critical institutional elements are analyzed. The Urban Regeneration Station (URS) of Taipei city was identified as culture-led urban regeneration special district. In addition to in-depth interview for understanding the institution of URS, a comprehensive comparative analysis between URS, TID, BID and SRSD was conducted. Moreover, various operation strategies for different spatial uses of each URS site are proposed through the application of AHP approach. Base on the outcome of AHP analysis, we propose a planning model for URSD under the circumstance of “limited resource, largest benefit”, and we also propose some advises to Taipei City for reforming URS and building up new URSD in the future. First, we should reform the URS into a long-term policy scheme and encourage private individuals to get involved into the governance of special district. We also suggest that the central government, Ministry of Culture should define itself as a resource provider instead of the conventional role in laying strong control on municipals.


Urban Regeneration Special District TID BID SRSD URS AHP


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