  • 學位論文


The Coping and Recovering Process of Young People Experiencing Relational Bullying in Adolescence

指導教授 : 陳毓文


2010年八德國中爆發校園霸凌事件,社會開始重視學校作為兒少學習與成長的園地外,也充斥著未被注意和妥善處理的霸凌風氣。反霸凌策略發展至今,焦點大多置於如何降低危險因子以預防霸凌發生、建立通報和輔導系統約束並改變霸凌者的行為等,然而,責怪受害者、個人歸因以及缺乏對於受凌者的協助,仍是當前存在的問題,此外,現行策略亦無法回應關係受凌者的處境與需求。本研究透過積極傾聽研究參與者的生命故事,了解並撰寫參與者從因應關係受凌到經驗復原之整體過程,期望藉此將大眾關注的眼光從事件本身帶到更遠的地方,看見受凌者經驗中,創傷與復原議題的重要性。 本研究採用質性研究的深度訪談法,經由網路徵募到四名於少年時期(12至18歲)曾受關係霸凌且擁有復原經驗者,經由回溯方法進行受凌者經驗的討論;針對蒐集到的訪談與書面資料,使用敘事分析方法,進行經驗的再詮釋與呈現。研究發現,關係霸凌會使受凌者經驗被剝奪、羞辱、無法歸屬的疏離感受,且離開受凌場域後,當事人傾向於遺忘、否定這段過去,即便如此,身心狀況仍會被創傷的記憶綑綁,在建立關係和生活穩定度上,皆產生一定程度的影響。然而,與人互動並非全然性的負面經驗,研究發現,對關係受凌生存者來說,無論創傷還是復原,都會在人際情境中經驗它的過程。最後,研究針對現行「修正各級學校防治校園霸凌執行計畫」中的教育宣導、發現處置和輔導介入三項層面,依據研究結果提出實務建議。


After the bully incident erupted in the Ba De junior high school in 2010, our society started to pay attention to the bullying, a problem has been concealed in the school, where was considered as a safe place for children’s education before. Up to date, most anti-bullying strategies have focused on either reducing risk factors or in building the notification and counseling system that can help to stop the bullying behavior. Nevertheless, victim blaming, individual attribution and the lack of assistance for the victim are still problems, and the voices and needs of relational bullying victims were not responded appropriately by current strategies. In this research, by taking a measure of listening to the life stories of relational bullying victims and their experiences about the healing process from such trauma, it is hoped that the public and related professionals can pay more attention to the more important issue, that is, the healing process of the relational bullying victims. To achieve the above purposes, a qualitative research design with an in-depth interview was used to four persons who had the experience of been relational bullied and healed in their youth (between 12 to 18 years old). These participants were recruited from the internet. With the back-tracking technique, their experiences were explored and shared. Through the narrative analysis method, the information collected and documented from the interviews are interpreted and represented. It is found that relational bullying experienced at young age will have impact on these victims, they tended to forget such unpleasant or traumatized experiences. However, they had to go through such experiences, whether recovering or not, in their current personal relationships. This study concluded with suggestions to professionals that can better respond to the need of this population.


