  • 學位論文


Study of Influences of Reduced Elastic Modulus on Design Code for Structural Concrete in Taiwan

指導教授 : 廖文正


台灣混凝土彈性模數 Ec 較現行規範所預估之値有偏低的趨勢,其值應為規範的80%左右,而彈性模數的修正將會對版梁柱尺寸設計、設計基底剪力值和其餘與彈性模數相關的規範產生影響,如台灣混凝土結構設計規範、台灣建築物耐震設計規範及解說與鋼結構容許應力設計法規範等。然而上述相關規範沒有對其中受彈性模數影響的公式做出修改,為使設計更為準確,勢必需要探討彈性模數修正對規範的影響。 本研究從台灣混凝土結構設計規範、台灣建築物耐震設計規範及解說和鋼結構容許應力設計法規範及解說等出發,檢視規範中直接或間接與彈性模數有關的規定,探討上述三者中受影響的公式,並依據學理提出對應的建議。 同時,本研究使用ETABS建模,建立彈性模數未折減的原型構架 (Ec=15000 f'c^0.5) 以及修正彈性模數為80%後的實驗構架 (Ec=12000 f'c^0.5) 進行非線性靜力側推分析與非線性動力歷時分析;除此之外,本研究也進行了增量動力分析法 (IDA),對結構物進行逐漸增加強度之動力歷時分析,計算CMR指數與ACMR指數用以評估結構物的崩塌性能。 藉由探討規範中受彈性模數影響的公式,彈性模數折減的確會對其造成影響,如單雙向版的最小深度、剪力釘需用數目等皆因彈性模數的修改而有對應的改變;比對原型構架與彈性模數折減80%之實驗構架的非線性分析結果,彈性模數折減會降低本研究構架的結構耐震性能與崩塌性能,然而雖然其耐震與崩塌性能降低,本研究構架依舊能夠符合現行耐震與崩塌性能規範的需求。


The modulus of elasticity of concrete, Ec, is an important factor in design of RC structures. Modulus of elasticity is also essential for engineers to estimate deflections and stiffness of RC members. In Taiwan, due to the soft nature of coarse aggregates and high amount of paste in concrete mix designs, the prediction of Ec calculated by current design code is usually overestimated by 20% of that obtained by experimental results..The revision of Ec (=12000 f'c^0.5, which is 80% of current Ec =15000 f'c^0.5) has been submitted to the government authorities and under further review to reflect this occurrence. The reduction of Ec would affect design codes in Taiwan, such as “Design Code for Concrete Structures”, “Seismic Design Specifications and Commentary of Buildings” and “Allowable Stress Design Specifications and Commentary of Steel Structures”. The objectives of this research are to clarify those influences on design code for structural concrete, to investigate the nonlinear responses of different story hight buildings with reduced Ec and to comment and summarize these observations to the engineering society. The results show that the minimum thickness of reinforced concrete slab and number of shear concrete stud should be increased because of the reduction of Ec. In addition, even though seismic and collapse capability of Experimental Frames (0.8 Ec) slightly decrease according to nonlinear analyses, all of them still meet the requirements of current seismic design codes in Taiwan.


1. 內政部營建署 (2017),「混凝土結構設計規範」。
2. 內政部營建署 (2010),「鋼結構容許應力設計法規範及解說」。
3. 內政部營建署 (2011),「建築物耐震設計規範及解說」。
4. 日本建築學會 (1990),「鋼構造限界狀態設計規準(案).同解說」,日本建築學會。
5. 江謝雨衡 (2012),「性能導向塑性設計法應用於鋼筋混凝土特殊抗彎構架之耐震雨崩塌評估研究」, 碩士論文(指導教授:廖文正),台灣大學土木工程研究所,台北。
