  • 學位論文


Combination of Functional Ultrasonic Images to Evaluate the Tissue Ablation and Denaturation: a Feasibility Study

指導教授 : 朱錦洲
共同指導教授 : 張建成(Chien-Cheng Chang)


超音波影像工具,由於具有非侵入式、對人體無害、檢測費用便宜、儀器價格較便宜、能即時成像以及機動性高等優點,目前已經是醫學上不可或缺的診斷工具,但由於傳統灰階影像必須藉由專業的醫師,來解讀所得到的超音波影像,且灰階影像並無法用來做定量分析,因此為了能夠提供更客觀的判斷方式,在後來才有學者提出許多統計模性,來做定量分析。也有學者針對在發生病變時組織特性的改變,而發展出不同的功能性影像。各種不同的影像技術發展,都是為了能夠做更準確且更有效的診斷。 而本研究則是使用到三種影像技術,分別是B-mode影像、Nakagami影像以及彈性影像,在研究的第一部分,主要是利用仿體實驗,來驗證Nakagami統計參數所代表的物理意義,分別設計了四種不同的仿體,再配合Nakagami影像以及彈性影像來做驗證。 第二部份豬肉組織燒灼實驗,則是鑒於近年來燒灼治療已經是醫學上一項常用的治療技術,但燒灼治療過程中往往無法由肉眼來判斷出治療部位,因此必須藉由其他影像工具的輔助,而在本實驗中,利用對豬肉組織做燒灼,再分別使用B-mode影像、Nakagami影像以及彈性影像作燒灼面積的計算,B-mode影像以及Nakagami影像利用燒灼後組織特性變化,配合影像處理來圈選出燒灼區域,彈性影像則是觀察壓縮過程影像變化來圈選出燒灼區域,目的是找出最佳的影像工具來輔助燒灼治療。


The ultrasound diagnostic imaging has become one of the most used tool in medical examination, since it has the advantages of non-invasive, harmless, low price, real-time and high mobility properties. However, because of ultrasound B-mode image need to be construed by instructed doctor and can not be used to quantitative analysis, many statistical models were proposed in order to provide more objective diagnostic. Besides, some functional ultrasound images were also developed for pathological changes of tissue. In this study, we utilized three different functional ultrasound images: B-mode image, Nakagami image and elasticity image. In the first part, we used phantom experiment to verify the Nakagami m parameter’s physical mean. We design four different phantom ,and verify Nakagami m parameter with Nakagami imaging and elasticity imaging. The second part of study is tissue ablation experiment. In recent year, ablation technique has been a common treatment technology. However, it is not easy to find out the affected part with bare eyes during ablation therapy, therefore some imaging tools have been carried out. In this study, we ablated pork tissue by microwave ablation technique, then we used B-mode image, Nakagami image and elasticity image to observe the change of tissue and evaluate the area of tissue ablation in order to find out the suitable imaging tool to aid in ablation.


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