  • 學位論文


Studies of Flooding Tolerance, Irrigation Index and Water Management in Eustoma grandiflorum

指導教授 : 張育森


摘要 洋桔梗為目前臺灣新興重點發展花卉之一,現今重要的課題是藉由良好的栽培管理提升切花品質。水分乃是植物生長中重要的影響因子,本研究的目的欲對洋桔梗遭遇水分逆境的狀況做探討,期能夠選出適合易淹水地區種植的耐淹水洋桔梗品種,並尋求洋桔梗的灌溉指標以提升洋桔梗的切花品質;此外,本研究亦比較洋桔梗在乾旱缺水和淹水所造成的生理性缺水時,植株的表現上有何差異。 以9公分盆栽洋桔梗做10天的淹水處理後曝曬兩天,植株外觀由下位葉開始萎凋,較不耐淹水者上位葉也會出現萎凋的現象。葉片水勢可以即時了解植株水分的情況,若搭配相對水勢值 (上位葉的水勢/下位葉的水勢)更能看出在淹水期間植株水分狀況的變化。且在試驗中發現,洋桔梗似乎忍受淹水的能力很強,可能為造成結果不顯著的原因。綜合評估後,八個品種以‘Arena Ⅲ Champagne’、 ‘Exrosa Lisa’及‘Rosina Ⅲ Pink’較耐淹水,植株形態在淹水十天後變化不大;‘Bridal Snow’、‘Exrosa Green’和‘Jadegirl Blue Violet’對淹水有輕微反應;而‘Exrosa Blue Flash’和‘Pavane Green’在淹水十天時皆有植株死亡,為較不耐淹水之品種。 將洋桔梗品種‘Rosina Purple’ 栽培於三種介質中並進行斷水處理,結果發現栽培於田土中的洋桔梗比栽培於1-P和mix (1-P : 田土 = 1 : 1) 者有更好的生長狀況,推論可能是因為田土的保水力較其他兩種介質佳所致。在斷水11天後復水,於第15天量測發現三種介質的土壤含水量、葉綠素螢光值和葉片水勢皆有回復;但其葉綠素計讀值、NPQ和乾重卻下降。觀察斷水第11天時的植株水分狀況,得知洋桔梗植株的暫時萎凋點範圍在葉片水勢值-2.1 MPa ~ -2.8 MPa。下位葉片出現萎凋的情形會比上位葉來的早,表示下位葉對水分敏感為適合做為評估觀測點,由本試驗結果得知洋桔梗的建議灌溉指標為下位葉片水勢值-1.6 MPa ~ -2.1 MPa之間。 以‘Pavane Green’和‘Exrosa Lisa’兩個品種均同時進行乾旱和淹水的試驗,結果顯示對照組第0天時兩個品種皆是上位葉水勢較負,表示水分在正常情況下是由下往上運送 (蒸散)。乾旱的情況下,下位葉水勢會較上位葉水勢負,也符合日常觀察到缺水大多從下位葉先開始下垂的現象。在淹水4天時兩個品種水勢看不太出變化,但淹水7天後有下位葉水勢較負的情況產生,與乾旱的情況相似,表示其出現生理缺水 (根系受損)。相對水勢值若大於1表示植株正常生長,小於1表示可能處於水分逆境下無法進行正常的蒸散作用。在此兩種品種間,‘Exrosa Lisa’乾旱7天後相對水勢值大於 1,而‘Pavane Green’小於1並趨近於0,表示‘Exrosa Lisa’較‘Pavane Green’耐旱;而兩品種在淹水七天時相對水勢值皆小於1,表示兩者皆感受到淹水逆境。


洋桔梗 水勢 淹水 灌溉指標 水分管理


Abstract Eustoma grandiflorum (Raf.) Shinns is one of the major flowers in Taiwan. Nowadays, the important issue is to enhance the quality of cut flowers by cultivation. Water is the important factor which affects plant growth. In this study we investigated the water status of Eustoma under water stress, and selected some flooding-tolerant cultivars and developed an irrigation index of Eustoma. In addition, compared the difference performance between Eustoma under drought and that under flooding. Eustoma plants grown in 9 cm pot were treated with 10-day flooding followed by 2-day recovery. The results showed that the leaves of plant began to wilt from lower leaves, which also happened at upper leaves if the plant is a flooding-intolerant cultivar. Leaf water potential could instantly respond to the water status of plant, especially the relative water potential [(upper leaf water potential) / (lower leaf water potential)] may be an useful index to realize the water status of Eustoma under flooding. The results also showed that the damage of Eustoma under flooding was not significant, it probably because that Eustoma is a flooding-tolerant plant. After comprehensive assessment of eight cultivars, ‘Arena Ⅲ Champagne’, ‘Exrosa Lisa’ and ‘Rosina Ⅲ Pink’, which did not have significant variation after 10-day flooding, were flooding-tolerant cultivars; ‘Bridal Snow’, ‘Exrosa Green’ and ‘Jadegirl Blue Violet’ had slightly damage; whereas ‘Exrosa Blue Flash’ and ‘Pavane Green’, which had some of plants died after 10-day flooding, were flooding-intorlerant cultivars. Eustoma ‘Rosina Purple’ grown in three media and stop water supply after fully irrigation. The results showed that the plants grown in clay loam soil grow better than those grown in 1-P or the mix (1-P: clay loam = 1: 1), because clay loam soil have better water-holding capacity which could help Eustoma to maintain adequate moisture. After rewatering of 11-day stopping water supply, the soil water content, Fv/Fm and leaf water potential of Eustoma had all recovered; but leaf chlorophyll meter reading (CMR), NPQ and dry weight of Eustoma had dropped. The water status of Eustoma was measured during stopping water supply period, and found that the temporary wilting range of leaf water potential in Eustoma was about -2.1 ~-2.8 MPa. The phenomenon of wilting firstly appears at lower leaf means that the lower leaf is water-sensitive and it is suitable to evaluate water deficit. Therefore, the irrigation index was recommend that when lower leaf water potential of Eustoma is about -1.6~ -2.1 MPa. When compared the difference performance between Eustoma under drought and that under flooding. The results showed that ‘Pavane Green’ and ‘Exrosa Lisa’ had same phenomenon that the upper leaf water potential were more negative than the lower ones at the control. It indicated that water transport from bottom to top (transpiration) at normal conditions. Under drought condition, the lower leaf water potential is more negative than the upper one, which is also match the phenomenon that the lower leaves usually began to droop first when lacking water. There was no difference in 4 days flooding between two cultivars, but the lower leaf water potential was more negative than the upper one after 7 days flooding. The situation is similar to drought represented flooding could also makes the plant under physiological water deficit (root damage). The relative water potential could represent the plant water status. The value more than 1 expressed normal plant growth, whereas less than 1 may be under water stress during water deficit period. The relative water potential value of ‘Exrosa Lisa’ was more than 1, and ‘Pavane Green’ was less than 1. In conclusion, ‘Exrosa Lisa’ is more tolerant than ‘Pavane Green’ under water deficit. Both cultivars under flooding of their relative water potential was less than 1 after 7 days flooding, it showed that they were all under flooding stress.


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