  • 學位論文


Development of a Social-Language Learning System

指導教授 : 莊裕澤




The goal of this research was to develop a language learning system which brings in the concept of “Social” and “Language Exchange” for foreign language learners. Besides traditional language tutoring, language exchange is currently another popular way to learn foreign language where two or more learners joined together, teaching each other their native languages. Such learning model had been proved to have benefits for language learning. However, it requires learners to have a certain level of language and teaching skill in order to carry out this learning method effectively. In this research, we were taking a different approach to practice language exchange which focuses more on “Social” and “Interaction”. This approach was aimed to lower the entry barrier for new foreign language learners and to make the learning process more interesting. In precise, we had developed a system which allowed beginners to practice their foreign language skill through interacting with native speakers in a more socialable way. Such system had a different entry point to the current language learning market and might have the potential to develop into a new business model. This was the main value that we were exploring in this research.


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