  • 學位論文


An Experimental Study on Cyclic Behavior of Steel-Plate Composite Walls with Boundary Elements

指導教授 : 黃尹男


鋼板混凝土複合牆為新型核能電廠中常見之重要複合材料結構元件,是以兩片鋼板內填充混凝土材料組合而成,鋼板與填充混凝土之間以剪力釘及螺桿作為連接器以傳遞剪力,配置於核能電廠中作為抗垂直力及側向力系統,現今設計規範AISC N690針對鋼板混凝土複合牆提出平面內剪力強度、平面外剪力強度及平面外撓曲強度等設計公式,近年來有研究指出AISC N690之平面內剪力強度估算公式會低估有邊界構材之鋼板混凝土複合牆之剪力強度,並提出修正公式,但該修正並未考慮牆高寬比之影響。 為瞭解有邊界構材之鋼板混凝土複合牆之耐震性能,本研究於國家地震工程研究中心完成四面大尺寸含邊界構材之鋼板混凝土複合牆反覆載重試驗,四座牆皆為剪力主控之試體,本試驗試體之高寬比分別為0.7、1.04及1.46三種,並以厚鋼板作為牆體之邊界構材,藉由調整高寬比及邊界鋼板厚度作為變數,探討不同高寬比與邊界鋼板厚度對於剪力強度之影響,並進一步探討既有規範及文獻中剪力強度建議公式及修正公式之準確性及適用性。


Steel-plate composite (SC) walls are composed of steel faceplates, connectors and infill concrete, where the connectors are typically constructed from cross-wall tie rods and shear studs welded to the faceplates. The connectors are used to transfer shear force between faceplate and concrete. The AISC N690s1 provides recommendations for in-plane shear strength, out-of-plane shear strength and out-of-plane flexure strength for steel-plate composite walls. A recent study concludes that the in-plane shear strength of steel-plate composite walls with boundary elements was underestimated in AISC N690 s1, and propose correction formulas. But not including the effect of wall aspect ratio. The behavior of four SC walls with boundary elements subjected to cyclic in-plane loading is summarized in this study. The experiment was executed in the laboratory of National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) in Taiwan. Thick steel plates were used as boundary elements of the four specimens. All specimens were designed to be shear critical failure mode, including 1) SCB-5 with an aspect ratio of 0.9 and a thickness of 3 cm for boundary elements, 2) SCB-6 with an aspect ratio of 1.04 and a thickness of 3 cm for boundary elements, 3) SCB-7 with an aspect ratio of 1.04 and a thickness of 5 cm for boundary elements and 4) SCB-8 with an aspect ratio of 1.46 and a thickness of 5 cm for boundary elements. The test results were compared with the recommendations of AISC N690s1 and selected literatures. The impact of wall aspect ratio and boundary element thickness on the in-plane shear strength of SC walls with boundary elements were discussed.


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