  • 學位論文


Actor Network Analysis Framework of A GIS Project–A Case of the National Land Use Survey

指導教授 : 蔡博文


GIS高度空間資料整合的能力,成為政府決策支援上的有利工具,然傳統GIS科技導向的討論多少落入技術決定論 (technical determinism) 的迷思,John Pickles於1995年出版的《Ground Truth》一書,開啟了GIS社會意涵的議題,將焦點轉向科技與社會建構的討論。國土資訊系統 ( National Geographic Information System, NGIS ) 發展已20餘年,其技術水準與先進國家並駕齊驅,然在推廣上仍面臨一些阻力,如資訊共享、組織整合、經費不穩定等問題,這些阻力反應推展GIS的過程中,不只有技術問題,仍需考量技術與組織間的協調。本研究以行動者網絡理論 (Actor-Network Theory, 簡稱ANT) 作為分析架構,探討「國土利用調查計畫」土地利用資料庫系統的建置過程,及其人員、制度、組織與技術間的互動關係。研究成果顯示不同的技術與動員模式形成不同的網絡型態,藉由行動者網絡理論所提供的系統化觀點,研究者可窺見行動者間的網絡建構。


The capability of spatial data integration by a geographical information system (GIS) can benefit from a broader theoretical foundation to support decision-making. However, discussion for science and technology of GIS may fall into a trap of technical determinism. The publication of Ground Truth sets a new stone, as it included social implications in GIS. National Geographic Information System (NGIS) in Taiwan has developed for more than 20 years, but it still has problems on database sharing, interorganizational integration, and instable fund. This paper discusses Actor-Network Theory (ANT) as a framework to delineate and evaluate the social and technical interactions involved in GIS implementation. Case study on “National Land Use Investigation Plans” illustrates different networks formed by different technique and enrollment. ANT provides a systematic point of view for researchers to examine network construction between different actors.


GIS NGIS ANT land use survey


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