  • 學位論文


The Experiences of Parenting among Adolescent Mothers

指導教授 : 陳毓文


未成年女性未婚懷孕一直被社會視為問題,透過媒體報導、社會政策等把未成年母親定調為失能母親,認為她們除了中斷自身發展外,亦無法提供其孩子良好的親職品質。因此,開始出現預防未成年懷孕介入方案,台灣未成年懷孕生育人數明顯降低,但無可否認未成年母親依然存在於台灣社會,忽視她們只會無法暸解她們的真實面貌。本研究透過暸解未成年母親的親職經驗,檢視目前社會對她們的印象,及其真實生活之間的落差,以重新建構未成年母親的圖像。 本研究採用質性研究的深度訪談法,透過機構介紹以及網路徵求方式,尋找研究對象,在徵得當事人同意後,訪談了七位於未滿二十歲時未婚懷孕且決定留養之女性。研究發現,未成年母親在成為母親的路上,相對成年母親的確遇到更多挑戰;同時體現到社會如何透過論述建構她們負面親職能力的刻板印象;但事實上她們能夠運用自身能力,或主動連結社會支持系統獲得協助以解決困難;並且在成為母親後,她們開始修正行為及發展解決問題能力;最後,未成年母親之伴侶並未能發展親職角色,使得未成年母親獨自承擔親職責任,這是一直被社會所忽視的。因此,根據研究發現對政府以及提供未成年母親服務的機構提出建議:以家庭為中心的服務提供、喘息服務之提供,以及營造友善環境-未成年母親的去污名化三方面。


Adolescent pregnancy has been seen as a social problem, which is constructed by the media and social policies. Teenage pregnancy is seen as an interruption of the adolescent development. Teen mothers tended to be identified as bad mothers whom aren’t equipped with qualified parenting skills. Therefore, strategies to prevent teen pregnancy are developed. Although the number of teenage pregnancy is reduced in recent years, there are still needy adolescent mothers. Ignoring their needs will prevent us from knowing them in a better way. This study attempts to understand the parenting experiences of adolescent mothers, and try to examine the stereotype about them. It is hoped that we can understand their needs, and reconstruct the image of these mothers. In this study, qualitative research design was used. Data were collected by face-to-face interviews. Seven adolescent mothers had participated in this study. They were under 20-years-old when they had their first baby. Participants were recruited through social service agencies working with teen mothers and the internet. Personal interviews were conducted in private settings. Results indicated that adolescent mothers’ parenthood was more difficult than that of their adult counterparts. They were also aware of the “bad mother” image. However, adolescent mothers tried very hard to be good mothers, and were willing to utilize social support to solve their problems encountered in parenting. But their partners usually couldn’t carry out adequate fatherhood; therefore, those mothers had to take more responsibilities in childcare. On the basis of the above findings, three suggestions were proposed to the government and the related social service agencies. First, family-centered services to these families are needed; secondly, respite care services to these mothers should be developed; and the last but not the least, a friendly and supportive environment to these mothers should be provided.




