  • 學位論文

國營事業工作考成制度之研究 -以經濟部所屬獨(寡)占類事業為例

A Systematic Study on the Performance of State-Owned Enterprises: Take the Monopolies and Oligopolies under the MOEA as Examples

指導教授 : 蘇彩足


本研究為質化的研究,主要的研究方法是文獻分析法及深度訪談法。以經濟部所屬獨占、寡占之中油公司、台電公司及台水公司三家公司之工作考成制度為研究範圍,來探討國營事業工作考成制度的發展現況與問題。 本研究的目的有四:一、探討三家公司本質特性與政策使命。二、探討三家公司工作考成制度內涵。三、探討三家公司工作考成制度缺失。四、提供政府工作考成制度之政策建議。 在研究架構上,本研究先探討國內外既有績效管理與工作考成相關研究。藉以整理本論文研究方向,接著進行經濟部所屬獨占、寡占類事業工作考成制度之現況與問題探討,最後作成結論與建議。 本研究發現,經濟部所屬中油、台電及台水公司等三家事業,現行工作考成制度,是層級式的分層考核。在考核時係用業務經營、財務管理、生產管理、人力資源管理、企劃管理、環境保護及工業安全及其他計七個面向及各評估指標衡量績效。因此,各公司工作考成成績是由前揭七個面向綜合評量出來的成績,屬於綜效的考核,對國營事業各項業務均有顧及,有其優點。但同時也有其限制,有些是國營事業特性使然,如國營事業法規繁瑣、國營事業定位混淆、政策任務負擔沉重等。有些是工作考成本身問題:如指標過多權重失衡、財務性指標權重偏高、計分方式偏差、考核時程過長、努力方向失焦、評分不透明等問題。


國營事業 獨占 寡占 工作考成 政策任務


This qualitative research adopted a combined methodology of literature review together with interview, and is meant to explore the possible problems in the performance evaluation systems of CPC Corporation, Taiwan, Taiwan Power Company and Taiwan Water Cooperation, 3 state-owned monopoly or oligopoly under Ministry of Economic Affairs as case studies. The 4 purposes of this paper are, 1) exploring the essence and core values of the 3 state-owned companies, 2) reviewing the performance evaluation systems of them , 3) identifying the flaws of the performance evaluation systems and 4) providing suggestions for improvement. In structure, this paper firstly narrates relevant Taiwan and foreign researches regarding the management and evaluation systems for performance as the basis to boil down the focus. In the second part, it explores the present problems in the performance evaluation systems of the said companies, which leads to a conclusion and suggestions. This paper discovers that the current performance evaluation systems adopted by CPC Corporation, Taiwan, Taiwan Power Company and Taiwan Water Cooperation are hierarchical and comprise 7 indexes, operation, financial management, production management, human resources, planning, environmental protection, industrial safety, and miscellaneous, which feed into the overall evaluations . Such "synthetic" evaluations are able to comprehensively reflect all the mandates but fail to reflect the performance in several ways. The nature of state-owned companies may lead to these flaws, e.g. the missions for these companies are not explicit enough in commercial sense especially as these companies also need to carry out government policy. Numerous, complex laws and regulations binding these companies also partly lead to problems as well. The evaluation systems themselves may also be contributable, e.g. overwhelming evaluation indexes, imbalanced weighing on several indexes, particularly for financial management, improper, vague, and non-transparent marking systems, overly long period for performance evaluation, and not goal-oriented KPIs.


黃重球,2007,〈經濟部所屬國營事業績效衡量之實務探討〉,《研考雙月刊》, 31(2):88-97
