  • 學位論文

網絡崩世代居住空間的重構- 以玖樓共生公寓為例

Re-structuring the Residential Space of Net and Poor Generations- A Study on the 9floor Co-Living Apartment

指導教授 : 張聖琳


瓦解的鄰里社區關係往往是過去高度都市化所引人詬病之處,而過去網路科技所創造的虛擬社群雖看似無疆界的打破了地理的物理限制,如今這樣的社群卻又因著共同居住(co-living),似乎再度建立具有認同感與連帶的社區生活。本研究指出,面對高度流動、不婚、買不起房子的網絡崩世代(net and poor generation)正以自身生活的樣貌重構既有的空間形式。 本研究以行動研究為出發,以研究者所創立的租房服務組織-玖樓作為主要的田野。在行動的過程中跨越了三個階段與視角,從一開始作為無殼蝸牛的無奈,到看見房東的能與不能,以及作為經營者理解到產業的發展與機會。玖樓在屋主、住客以及閒置空間三方的關係上發展出一個契機,讓屋主願意提供出閒置的公寓,讓租屋族能夠在市中心有個強烈連結的公共生活,也讓一些小型的組織或活動在寸土寸金的市區找到一個能發展的空隙。因此這便是為什麼玖樓認為「共居」(co-housing)已經不夠描述在公寓裡的各種故事,而進一步的以「共生」(co-living)來闡述玖樓對於租屋生活新的可能。 從對於網絡崩世代的觀察以及從玖樓的經驗研究中,本研究主張,共同生活空間(co-living space)以網絡社群實體化的方式重構了空間。並且,藉由社區設計的概念以經驗歸納出共同生活空間(co-living space)及其中社群連結機制,期望在未來,居住空間能因應多元的時代而有更多的發展樣貌。


網絡 世代 共同居住 共生 居住空間 租房 社群 社區


Although the on-line virtual community has been broken the limits of the physical boundary in the past few years, now this community seems to re-build the intensive social relationships and mutual identities through the “co-living” phenomenas. In this paper, we focus on the mechanism of the 9floor co-living apartment, which is a youth start-up based in Taipei, Taiwan since 2015. The funding members of the 9 Floor had been depressed by the high-cost rental with lousy quality of lives. These group of the twenty-some decide to take action and innovate their ideal urban lifestyles for entry-level urban young people. Their belief is: rooms for rent, lives not; sharing lives with vibes. Furthermore, the 2 more years in the operating experiences allowed the researcher to observe the reach field through different perspectives, including landlords and the house renting industry. As a co-funder in the 9floor team, this research applies action research methods as well as qualitative interviews, we claim that co-living phenomenon could be considered as re-structure of the residential spaces through the Net -Generation, which share the following characteristics: borderless, diversity and flowing. From this point of view, the main purpose of this article is to illustrate how to make, or, rebuilt strong social connections and good conditions of dwelling through co-living spaces.


