  • 學位論文


The Development of Cross-straits Film Co-production

指導教授 : 周繼祥


在全球化的趨勢下,電影跨國合作在世界各地皆十分盛行,多國或多區域合製的電影不但能集結各地人才與專業技術,並可為資金籌措及票房收益創造更大的空間。由於兩岸的電影產業分別面臨不同的困境,中國大陸將對外合作製片做為電影產業化與國際化的一種手段,台灣則亟需拓展海外市場以彌補國內電影市場規模的不足,兩岸資源互補又具文化、地緣之便,兩岸電影合製成為解決雙方產業問題的共同良方。 本研究透過檢視兩岸電影互動的歷程,分析促成與阻礙兩岸合作的政治、經濟、文化因素,以及兩岸合作後所產生的問題與影響。研究發現,由於受到大陸廣大電影市場、台灣優秀電影人才、政策法規的鬆綁以及文化接近性等因素的驅動,2008年以後兩岸合拍片數逐年大幅增長,合作模式多樣化,然而因政治意識型態的歧異以及法規的限制,使得兩岸的交流合作有所侷限,其中大陸的電影審查制度嚴重影響到題材及創意的發揮。在合作風險上,合製則存在著台灣資金與人才的流失以及本土特色與文化主體性遺失的隱憂。 綜觀兩岸電影合製的成果,兩岸合拍片在市場上仍未取得主流地位,整體經濟成效不彰,藝術成就也不突出,並且難以兼備商業與藝術價值,此外大陸與台灣的票房成績經常大相逕庭,顯見兩岸觀眾的品味差異。若要讓兩岸電影合製成為一種可行的商業模式,應找出雙贏創意,共創文化融合的大製作華語電影,以期帶來循環性的產業繁榮。


International film co-production became very popular, as the world has been trending towards globalization. Co-production between multi-countries or multi-areas effectively consolidates professionals and techniques worldwide; meanwhile, it creates synergy in fund raising and revenue generating. Films co-produced by Taiwan and China teams became very popular as well, since two markets are geographically close and culturally similar. Moreover, as Chinese look for international alliance, while Taiwanese for larger market, cross-straits co-production became a mutual solution because resources of two sides are complementary to each other. The dissertation is to investigate the problems and impact resulted from co-production between Taiwanese and Chinese film industries. By studying the progress of interaction, it analyzed the factors of both promotion and obstruction in the fields of politics, economics and cultures. It was found out that both number and variety of co-produced films have increased dramatically since 2008, thanks to China’s huge market demand, Taiwan’s remarkable talents, deregulation and cultural similarity. Nevertheless, cooperation activities were limited by political conflicts and policy differences; for example, topics and creativity was negatively influenced by censorship of films in China. From the viewpoint of Taiwanese film industry, co-production creates the risks of drain on capital and professionals as well as concern for losing local identification. In conclusion, co-produced films between Taiwan and China have yet been recognized as a main stream. Limited synergy was achieved in either business or art, while significant gap in box office records showed difference in taste. To ensure the benefit of cross-straits film co-production, there must be creative win-win strategies with effective cultural integration.


王傳宗(2005),《以「文化勞動的新國際分工」架構分析跨國合製國片的前景與未來 —以國片《巧克力重擊》為個案研究》,國立台灣大學新聞研究所碩士論文。
Toby Miller, Nitin Govil, John Memurria and Richard Maxwell,馮建三 譯(2003),《全球好萊塢》,台北:巨流。
