  • 學位論文


The Development Strategy of New Taipei City

指導教授 : 趙永茂


2010年中華民國部份縣市改制為直轄市,俗稱五都改制,為中華民國政府調整其行政區劃,將原臺灣省轄部份縣市改制(臺北縣升格為新北市)、合併改制(台中市與台中縣合併升格為台中市、台南市與台南縣合併升格為台南市)或與原有直轄市合併(高雄市與高雄縣合併仍為高雄市)改制為新直轄市等措施,於2010年12月25日實施。這也是臺灣光復以來,繼1950年設置5省轄市16縣後首次大規模的行政區域調整。新北市從臺北縣(準直轄市)改制為直屬中央之直轄市,改制之緣由有萬千條,基本是為滿足與反映長久以來與一水之隔的臺北市之間,因地方政府位階不同造成建設落差,以致原臺北縣居民認為受到不平待遇的問題。 新北市改制後的財政管理與行政區域調整等議題,學術界已有相當能量投入研究,但對如何持續有效發展競爭策略則少見討論。新北市與首都臺北市相鄰且環繞臺北市,這樣的首都—近畿雙城模式,與日本的東京都—首都圈、大韓民國首爾市—京畿道類同。新北市無論土地面積與常住人口數都超過臺北市甚多,目前二者的政治位階相同,面臨很多相同議題,包括高漲的房價,交通(如捷運網絡),環境(淡水河流域治理),基礎設施(翡翠水庫水質維護)等,從區域管理探討,二者是否應合併成為一個大都會,包括彼此之間的定位,發展策略等一直是亟待討論研究議題。自由,創新,創造機會和繁榮的願景為普世對城市的期望,臺北市過去因首都地位,已建立國際知名度,而新北市是年輕具有邁向國際潛力的城市。本研究旨在運用城市治理與發展策略塑造競爭力等相關理論,併參考日、韓等國首都-近畿城市運作現況,以新北市的觀點,探討新北市應如何在現有的競爭環境之下,在城市定位、發展策略等面向,提出可行建議方案。


There are administrative regions reform for part of counties in R.O.C 2010. It is commonly known as the five municipalities restructuring, which is revealed to adjust its administrative divisions of R.O.C government. Including upgraded administrative reform (upgraded Taipei County to the New Taipei City), merger restructuring reform (merger of Taichung City and Taichung County and upgraded to the Taichung City; merger of Tainan City and Tainan County and upgraded to the Tainan City), and merge with existing municipality (merger of Kaohsiung City and Kaohsiung County and upgraded to the Kaohsiung City) were the new restructuring and measures implementation December 25, 2010. This is the first large-scale administrative region adjustment since the retrocession of Taiwan where set up 5 provincial cities and 16 counties 1950. There are thousands of reasons for reform of upgrading the Taipei County to the New Taipei City. Basically, the main reason is to meet with the problem by uneven treatment of the former Taipei county residents due to different local government hierarchy gap although there are only across one river with Taipei City. After the reform of New Taipei City,the issue of financial management and administrative areas adjustment was wildly considered and discussed in academia, but how to continue the effective development of competitive strategy is rarely discussed. Adjacent to the capital, Taipei City, and surrounded by the New Taipei City, such capital-neighborhood dual city mode were similar with Tokyo Prefecture - metropolitan area in Japan, and Seoul – Gyeonggi in Republic of Korea. Whether land area and the resident population of the New Taipei City are more than Taipei, and there are lots of same issues have to face with such as rising prices, transportation (such as metro network), the environment (Tamsui River Basin), infrastructure (emerald water reservoir maintenance), etc. The research topics of discussion for regional management, including positioning, development strategies have been the urgent need to discuss for whether the two cities should be merged into a metropolis. Freedom, innovation, opportunity creating and a vision of prosperity are the expectation for the universal city. There are different between Taipei (the city with internal reputation) and the New Taipei City (the young city with international potential development.) due to the capital status of Taipei in the past. In this study, the theories of urban governance and development strategies shaping competitiveness would be discussed in the new point of view starting from the New Taipei City, and refer to the operational status of capital-neighborhood dual city mode of Japan and Korea. The development of strategies of the feasible proposal would be proposed under the existing competitive environment and the city location of the New Taipei City.


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