  • 學位論文


Evolution Analysis of Music Streaming Client Products

指導教授 : 吳政鴻


資訊產業進入後PC時代,手持式裝置產品 (手機和平板電腦等) 大量成長, 除了帶動線上Internet成長外,也帶動了一些線下相關的產業,如:手持式裝置產品相關附件。這些附件裏,能提供好音質的附件佔相當重要的一部分,如耳機及藍芽音響,然而觀察這些音響附件的使用情境,仍未充分滿足消費者需求,給予其他產品競爭的機會。這樣的產品競爭和演化過程屢見不鮮,然而在本文中,競爭的內在和外在因素增加,除了音響的本質因素外,另外將外部的競爭要素列入分析,如音樂載體變化(線上音樂生態)、使用者因素、功能演化等,希望將仍在演化中的新一代音響行業做一個完整的分析歸納,找出其中的主軸脈絡。 物聯網(IoT: Internet of Things)是產業成長的方向,而成功的物聯網模式依循著一定的要素,即硬體 + 雲端服務。不管是智慧家居、能源管理、遠距看護等,都是以特有的硬件,加上搭配的雲端服務,來達到整體解決方案,其中成長最快的產品之一是音響產業,這是因為下列幾點因素所成: 1. 音樂內容產業逐漸走向雲端串流模式,如 Pandora Internet Radio 等公司,且此類的串流媒體漸漸的進入到消費者生活中。 2. 手持式裝置興起,消費者需要支持內存音樂的裝置,如耳機或新一代音響。 3. 手持式裝置加上app應用程式,成為新的使用介面,讓用戶可以更簡單的使用這些裝置,管理內容。 4. 新一代音響,具wifi 支持雲端串流的音響產品,開始提供傳統音響無法達到的使用情境,大大提高使用者滿意度。 這些因素了是支持服務和硬件產業的變化的要因,促成了產業進步,形塑了另一種新的產業風貌。 依著物聯網的模式,音樂產業的發展是:串流音樂 + 終端音響產品。然而再進一步看,除了這兩個大因素外,消費者仍有其他的需求,如手持式產品內存音樂的整合、多終端設備的管理、如何跟這些內容更容易互動等等,這些仍未滿足的需求以及改善方向,是下一步演化的基礎成長動力。 本文即針對這些關鍵因素,以個案研究法做一深入分析,以找出各個因素中的關聯。


In IT (Information Technology) industry, the handheld devices (such as mobile phone and tablet PC) dominate the growth and push industry toward ‘Post-PC’ era. The massive numbers of henadheld devices in the market not only boost the growth of Internet but also brought major momentum of growth for products, such as peripherals. And among the peripherals, products that offer good audio quality, such as headset and Bluetooth speakers take a good share. Yet by taking a close examination, there’re still unfulfilled needs for consumers for these peripheral audio products which therefore offer a chance for competing products. Competition like this is common across industries, however in this thesis not only audio product factors are included but also more external external competition factors are introduced for analysis, such as change of music platform (on line music eco system), user cases, correspodning feature evolutions and so on. With detailed analysis of these internal and external factors, a structure of colrelations of all factors can be found. Internet of Things (IoT) has been the next big thing for the industry these days. A successful model of IoT follows a basic rule of hardware + cloud service. IoT services like smart city, smart snergy, tele-care or others all depend on specific hardware and associated cloud services to provide a total solution. Among these IoT services, audio client prodcuts is one of the fast growing sectors as 1. Music content industry is moving towards streaming model, for example Pandora Internet Radio Internet Radio. Music streaming companies like this are coming to consumers’ life. 2. With the uprise of handheld devices, consumers need a better audio device to enjoy the music content stored within these devices, for example headset or new audio products. 3. By taking advamtage of the handheld devices, applications are becoming a new user interface to manage the audio clients and content more easily. 4. New generation of audio products, with built in wifi and support Internet music streaming, are offering mushc enhanced user experience compared with the traditional audio products. The above factors are critical to the changes of both music servces and hardware products. They not only boost progress but also reshape the industry. Based on IoT model, the formula for music insutry is streaming service and audio client products. However a closer examination reveals that other than these two key pieces there’re still other consumer issues to concern, such as integrating handheld device contents to the system, management of multipls client products, easier user interface to interact with the devices andso on. These unfulfilled issues and needs for improvement provide a basis for future evolution. This article aims to analyze the above factors to come up with a co-relation in between them, by using case study method.


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