  • 學位論文


Organizing Elder Care in Family: Family Care Network and Foreign Care Worker

指導教授 : 曾嬿芬


這篇論文由家庭照顧網絡的觀點出發,討論家庭成員、外籍看護工與年長者組成的照顧網絡,如何協力完成照顧工作,並組成新的照顧模式。我將依序說明:隨著父母照顧需求的上升,成年子女如何初步回應並形成照顧網絡?家庭照顧網絡如何納入外籍看護?而新形成的照顧模式,如何組織日常生活與照顧安排? 研究發現子、女協力組成的照顧網絡,會初步回應父母的照顧需求;即便女兒常是照顧網絡的積極參與者,照顧網絡的階層邏輯仍服膺於父系(性別、輩分)家庭的運作邏輯;同時在子女間,親手照顧父母的價值仍備受重視。聘用外籍看護後,大部分的直接照顧工作改由外籍看護接手,但子女依然在照顧網絡中扮演重要的角色,他們訓練外籍看護,讓外籍看護得以進入家庭照顧網絡,成為網絡成員,這個過程亦突顯照顧工作的文化性內涵和技術。在外籍看護成為主要的直接照顧提供者後,子女仍持續參與於父母的照顧安排中,他們指揮監督照顧的進行、安排後勤的照顧工作、強化與父母的情感連結,來確保照顧的品質,亦藉由積極的照顧參與回應將照顧工作外包給看護後引發的道德焦慮。如此綿密的照顧安排,具現這些家庭的孝道文化特質:好的照顧安排、孝順行為,除了讓父母物質生活無虞,子女和父母的情感聯繫、交流亦是相當關鍵的面向。


With the ever-increasing elderly population, elder care is becoming a pressing issue in Taiwan. Since 1992, ,the government implemented a policy that allowed households with state-approved care need to hire foreign care workers; since then, the total number of foreign care workers in Taiwan has grown rapidly. I examine as the care needs of elderly parents increase, how do adult children form the family care network first place? When the family decide to hire a foreign care worker to care for the elderly parents, how are the foreign care worker integrated into the existing family care network? And how the family care network changes, after the joined of the foreign care worker? The findings are as follows: The adult children establish the family care network once their parents needed daily care. Although both sons and daughters may actively participate in the family care network, a patriarchal hierarchy (gender, generational) remains. At the same time, the adult children still value taking care of their parents highly. While most of the direct carework falls into the hands of the foreign care worker after the care worker successfully integrated into the family care network, adult children continue to play critical roles in care networks. They would train the foreign care worker and help them integrate into the care networks. These processes underline the need for appropriate cultural knowledge and skills. Adult children continue to participate in care arrangements in terms of giving the foreign care worker care instructions, making care arrangements and strengthening their emotional bonds with their parents. The participation help adult children ensure the quality of care and cope the moral anxiety resulting from the outsourcing carework. The casework that the adult children carry on after hiring the foreign care worker shows that the cultural meaning of filial piety not only include providing good material life for the parents, the emotional bonds and parent-child interaction are also critical.


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