  • 學位論文


Artificial Habitat Restoration Model in Pre-leisure Coastal Areas

指導教授 : 李英周
共同指導教授 : 郭一羽 朱達仁(Ta-Jen Chu)


近年來,由於全球氣候暖化造成海平面上升,人工養灘及突堤的建設已常被用來保護海岸線的侵蝕,然而這些工程可能會減少海灘棲地和降低生物的生物量和密度,亦或是創造出額外的生物棲地。為了提供未來休閒導向型的海岸工程之近自然人工棲地設計,尋找人工結構物及休閒人工灘的復育指標生物並建立棲地模式。因此,本研究發展了四種方法找到沿岸棲地的指標物種,方法分別為物種共同出現的機率的模型、多個環境因數的環境忍受度機率模型、出現機率與環境忍受度綜合模型及伴隨出現豐富度模型等。同時,案例研究地點是在臺灣西北部的新竹漁港及臺灣西南部海岸的安平人工養灘區。根據上述模型,在第一個實證案例中,海木耳、扇形叉枝藻和角叉菜三個主要物種被選為指標物種,在生態系中主要扮演生產者角色,其中這三個物種具有最高共同出現的概率,並表現出對於複雜環境條件下有最大的容忍度。而進一步去分析三個物種與其他物種間共同出現及環境條件因素,發現三個物種出現對於海岸附著性生物的種類組成是有影響的。研究結果顯示在增加生物多樣性的海岸復育工程目的下,這四種模型可以找出人工結構物的復育指標物種,並成功建立棲地模式。 在第二個實證案例中,本研究進行了安平休閒港之人工養灘的施工工法對生態環境影響的評價。在這個研究區域中自2003年以來開始施作馬刺型突堤工程,施工後形成半封閉的水域型態,整體並在生態工程的概念下來施作。本研究並針對四個研究區域樣點進行了監測,研究期間從2002年7月至2008年9月間陸續持續進行環境影響評價和生物調查。研究結果指出,無論生物性參數(物種數、總生物量和Shannon - Wiener多樣性指數)和非生物參數(懸浮固體、生化需氧量、化學需氧量、溶解無機氮、無機磷溶解、總磷、總有機碳、底質中值粒徑及底質含水率)在人工養灘工程前、後呈現顯著性差異。同時,在工程開始後生物性條件呈現降級,但施工後的復育表現良好。此外,在半封閉的馬刺型突堤人工結構物施工後,底棲無脊椎動物的組成結構明顯改變,棲地條件似乎特別適合雙殼類和腹足類這兩類的生物。在本案例中,三個主要被找出的指標物種包括韓國文蛤、花籃蛤和日本對蝦,這三個物種具有最高共同出現的概率,並對於複雜環境條件下有最大的容忍度。分析此三個物種與其他物種間共同出現及環境條件因素,發現三個物種出現對於海岸底棲性生物的種類組成是有顯著影響的。 總結而言,本研究建立的指標生物棲地適宜度模式,可以作為環境監測及棲地復育的評估之用,同時,並考量避免物種基因污染問題的前提下,可以進行移地復育與放流指標生物,以達到棲地補償的效果。此外,本研究在發展指標生物與棲地模式之間的關係上提供進一步的參考依據,而本研究之定量方法能有效的發現海岸棲地的指標物種,同時,這兩項研究可進一步為遊憩導向型人工海岸生態棲地管理上,提供一種創新的應用方法。


In recent years, due to global warming and the rising sea levels associated with it, beach nourishment and groin building have been increasingly employed to protect coastal land from shoreline erosion. These actions may degrade beach habitats, reduce biomass and biotic density, and create new habitats at sites where they are employed. In this study, four approaches were developed to find indicator species from habitats created by coastal structures. These approaches consist of a model of the probability of species co-occurrence, a model of multi-environmental factor probability, a composite model, and an accompanying richness model. Simultaneously, two case studies were conducted in the Hsinchu Recreational Fishing Port in northwestern Taiwan and the Anping artificial beach nourishment project area of southwest Taiwan. Based on the aforementioned models, in the first empirical case, three primary producer species, Sarcodia montagneana, Ahnfeltiopsis flabelliformis, and Chondrus ocellatus were chosen as the indicator species with the highest co-occurrence probabilities and as species that showed greater tolerance to a more critical environment. It is imperative to understand how the three species influence the composition of sessile assemblages in coastal waters under particular co-occurring conditions and environmental factors. The results indicate that these models represent a feasible method of finding indicator species related to artificial structures and make it possible to design coastal structures based on biological and ecological considerations. This study provides an innovative approach that can be used in further advanced applications in artificial habitats associated with coastal management. In the second empirical case, we conducted an eco-environmental evaluation at the Anping artificial beach-nourishment project area. At this area, sand piles within a semi-enclosed spur groin have been enforced using eco-engineering concepts since 2003. Four sampling sites were monitored during the study period from July 2002 to September 2008. An environmental impact assessment and biological investigations were conducted. The results indicated that both biotic (number of species, number of individual species, and Shannon–Wiener diversity) and abiotic parameters (suspended solids, biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, dissolved inorganic phosphorus, total phosphorus, total organic carbon, median diameter, and water content) showed significant differences before and after beach engineering occurred. Biological conditions became worse in the beginning stages of the engineering project but improved after the restoration work was completed. Furthermore, we found that the composition of benthic invertebrates changed over the study period, and two groups of species, Bivalvia and Gastropoda, seemed to be particularly suitable to this habitat after the semi-enclosed artificial structures were completed. Additionally, our results led to the species Meretrix lamarckii, Fimbria fimbriata, and Marsupenaeus japonicus being selected as the indicator species with the highest richness. Obviously, the goal became completely and perfectly due to the use of indicator species. This study was developed in response to requests to provide guidance in the field application of HSI models of indicator species presented for use in eco-habitat mitigation. Such models can be used to monitor the environment and achieve an appropriate restoration level through mitigation. Furthermore, in the future, release of the indicator species should be avoided due to genetic pollution. This study has taken a step in the direction of improving our understanding of the relationship between indicator species and habitat evaluation procedures in ecological restoration. Overall, the study provides an innovative approach that can be used for further advanced applications in pre-leisure habitats associated with coastal management.


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