  • 學位論文


Mitigation strategy of acrylamide content in brown sugar

指導教授 : 葉安義


2002年瑞典國家食品管理局 (The Swedish National Food Administration, SNFA)證實食品經高溫加熱後,含有高量的丙烯醯胺,引起各界關注。於1994年世界衛組織癌症研究署 (International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC)將丙烯醯胺歸類為「2A-可能會造成人類癌症」的致癌物,顯示已有證據,證明實驗動物之致癌性,於人類則尚未有直接證據。已有其他研究指出丙烯醯胺具有神經毒、基因毒、生長發育等毒性。因此各國便開始調查食品中丙烯醯胺的含量,估算各年齡層經由飲食的暴露量,評估風險。另一方面,有許多學者投入研究丙烯醯胺的生成途徑、毒性、分析定量方法以及降低其生成之策略。生成丙烯醯胺的反應途徑主要為梅納反應,前驅物為天門冬醯胺與還原醣。本研究團隊發現市售黑糖丙烯醯胺含量為347-1107microg/kg,製作黑糖的原料為甘蔗汁,糖含量高,又含有天門冬醯胺等胺基酸,加上長時間熬煮,容易生成丙烯醯胺。本研究目的為尋求降低黑糖中丙烯醯胺之方法。本實驗以液相層析串聯質譜法 (liquid chromatography/ tandem mass spectrometry, LC-MS/MS)分析黑糖中丙烯醯胺含量,利用m/z 72>55及同位素內標13C3-丙烯醯胺m/z 75>58定量,標準曲線R2可達0.99以上,回收率為101~104%。添加氯化鈣、氯化鎂、甘胺酸、半胱胺酸以及天門冬醯胺酶於甘蔗汁後製成的黑糖,可降低85%以上AA的生成,且具有濃度效應。就經濟成本評估,氯化鎂是較佳的選擇,期能給予工業生產製造參考。


In 2002, the Swedish National Food Authority announced the findings of considerable levels of acrylamide in heat-treated carbohydrate-rich foods. The findings attracted interest from worldwide since acrylamide has been classified as ‘‘probably carcinogenic to humans’’ by the International Agency on Research on Cancer. Recently there are more literatures concerning the health risk to human, content in different foods, formation pathways, methods of analysis and the mitigation strategies in food. Among all the hypotheses on the formation of acrylamide , the interaction between amino group of asparagine and carbonyl group of reducing sugars, also called Maillard reaction, represents the main formation route. In 2005, Food Drink Europe collected the information on mitigation acrylamide formation and edited ‘‘Acrylamide Toolbox‘‘for reducing acrylamide content in specific manufacturing process and products. We have found out that the acrylamide content in brown sugar is 347-1107 microg/kg. Probably due to high reducing sugar, high asparagine, and long heating process. The objective of this study is to find a possible methods for reducing acrylamide content in brown sugar. In this study, acrylamide content in brown sugar was analyzed by liquid chromatography/ tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Relative responses (peak areas)of acrylamide vs 13C3-acrylamide (transitions m/z 72>55 and m/z 75>58, respectively)were used for the calibration and quantification purposes. The R-square of calibration is over 0.99, and the recovery is 101-104%. Adding calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, glycine, cysteine and asparaginase in sugar cane juice could reduce more than 85% of acrylamide in brown sugar. The effect was dose-dependent. Among all the additives, magnesium chloride appeared to be a good choice with lowest coast.


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