  • 學位論文


Performance Evaluation of Green Roof Maintenance – A Case Study of School Buildings in Taipei City

指導教授 : 林建元


綠屋頂具有多種環境及社會效益,包含降低室內溫度、節能減碳、減少洪水災害。此外,綠屋頂也有美化開放性公共空間,並能提供如城市棲息地的生物多樣性等其他效益,因此其作為可持續生態城市的推動手段,廣受各界肯定。就環境保育而言,保留自然區域與棲息地乃是環境可持續發展的根本之道,但是都市地區發展密集,必須透過生態建築環境的重新創造,才能擴展生態空間。然而,隨著使用時間的增長,許多屋頂綠化基地由於缺乏適當的維護管理,造成漏水等問題。 本研究首先透過文獻回顧,以學校建築為對象,建立綠屋頂維護管理績效的評估指標。進而以臺北市20所國民中小學綠屋頂為個案研究對象,採使用後評估的研究方式,透過調查、訪談及攝影的方法建立基礎資料,統計分析現有學校綠屋頂之維護管理績效,並歸納提出維護管理方向的建議,以提供未來學校實施綠屋頂的參考。 研究顯示,影響綠屋頂績效的主要因素包括:維護成本、師生參與規劃、植物具食用性、師生參與維護、公眾使用等因素。此外,研究發現台北市中小學校綠屋頂亟須改進的項目包括: 1.加強師生參與度及教育性,2.增加對外開放性,3.補充生物跳島功能,4.改善無障礙環境,以及5.改善老舊校舍積水與動線阻礙。


Green roofs provide various environmental and social benefits, including effects in the cooling of air temperature, energy conservation, carbon reduction, and mitigation of floods from storm water. In addition, green roof can also beautify the public open spaces and provide benefits for urban habitat biodiversity. As a result, green roofs are widely regarded as an important approach to develop sustainable city. For the conservation of natural environment, the preservation of permanent natural reserves and habitats are important instruments. However, for densely developed urban areas, it is needed to create and expand bio-region by means of eco-buildings and green roofs. Over time, it is found that many green roofs have caused roof water leaking problems due to inadequate maintenance. First of all in this research, through extensive review of related literatures, a set of indicators are developed for the evaluation of green roof’s maintenance performances. And then, twenty schools in Taipei are included as targets for case study. Based on the concept of post occupancy evaluation, with survey and statistical analysis, the maintenance performances of target schools are evaluated and directions for future improvement are identified. The analysis of survey results shows that the key factors influencing the maintenance performance of green roofs are: cost of maintenance, level of student participation, type of vegetation, and level of openness. In addition, through further investigation, tasks suggested to solve the critical problems of school green roofs in Taipei city are as follows: 1.To increase the level of student participation and environmental education. 2.To add the level of openness to general pulbic. 3.To add ecological functions of urban stepping stones. 4.To Improve the accessibility as a barrier-free environment. 5.To improve the irrigation system to fix roof water leaking problems.


