  • 學位論文


The Influence of Visual Attention and Visual Awareness on Landscape Recovery Benefits

指導教授 : 張俊彥


自工業革命後都市快速發展以來,環境心理與行為研究領域討論了許多關於自然景觀帶來的正向效益,其中包括減輕壓力、恢復注意力、提升正向情緒與美學價值等。其中,對於工作繁忙、節奏緊湊的現代生活,自然景觀的恢復性效益研究更顯重要。高密度都市常以街道綠化方式來增加自然景觀的比例,然而繁忙快速的生活方式下,是否會使人錯過此種知覺經驗所帶來的恢復性效益?本研究基於這樣的好奇,以大學生為研究對象,探討景觀覺察程度對恢復性效益之影響。 以上述概念發展,本研究透過操弄不同刺激物及指導語,來代表不同覺察程度概念。實驗共分為四組,包括三種不同景觀覺察程度組別,以及一組實驗對照組。研究題材選用生活周遭的街道綠化環境,以知覺恢復性量表(PRS)、恢復體驗程度(RE)及反序數字廣度測驗(DSBT)作為量測注意力表現及心理恢復性效益之指標,以台灣大學學生為主要受測對象。研究結果顯示在心理恢復性效益(PRS、RE)上,需要一定覺察程度的存在才會促使受測者獲得顯著的恢復;而在注意力表現上,即使是不同的實驗處理,只要給予受測者觀看擁有植栽之刺激物皆會使受測者的注意力表現獲得顯著的上升。透過研究結果也說明了,人可由閾下知覺(Subliminal Perception)途徑獲得自然景觀的恢復性效益,更可藉由提高覺察程度來獲得更好的效益。 本研究透過實證研究的方式討論低覺察及高覺察程度下,有自然元素之街景皆有助於人體健康,且覺察程度影響了恢復性效益的多寡。研究結果說明了人之知覺狀態與恢復性效益之關係,景觀實務設計師可於實務中提高使用者知覺狀態上著墨,以創造高恢復性效益之景觀設計。


Ever since the Industrial Evolution, cities have expanded fast and wide, studies in environmental psychology and behavior have discussed many benefits that natural environments can bring us reducing stress, restoring attention, elevating positive attitude, and aesthetic values, etc. Among all of these, the benefits of natural environment become even more important for people with hard work and fast-paced modern life. Cities with high density often try to make the streets look greener, in order to increase the proportion of natural environment, however, with such fast-pacing life, will people miss the restorative benefits that this sensual experience brings us? This study based on this question, and discussed about how the difference of awareness levels can effect a person’s restorative benefits. Based on the above-mentioned concept, this study adopts different stimuli, different instructions to represent different levels of awareness. Experiment contains four groups, with three groups of different awareness levels, and one control group. Study using Perceived Restorativeness Scale (PRS) and Digit Span Backward Test (DSBT) as the indicators for measuring attention and restorative benefits, using National Taiwan University students as the main participant group. Results on the PRS and DSBT show that we need a certain level of awareness to obtain restorative benefits. Even with different experiment strategies, once you give the participants to look at scenes with greenery, the attention performance will naturally rise. This study proved that human can obtain restorative benefits from natural environments through subliminal perception, and can have even better benefit if the awareness level is raised. This study focused on daily streetscape, proved that both low and high awareness level of street scenes with greenery can improve human’s well-being. The level of awareness can influence the quantity of restorative benefits. Study reveals an approach for landscape architects to design higher restorative landscape through increasing more awareness.


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