  • 學位論文


Optimal Skip-Stop Service Design of Bus Rapid Transit

指導教授 : 張學孔


公車捷運系統(Bus Rapid Transit, BRT)為一種以軌道思維行公車營運的公共運輸系統;除擁有軌道系統的較高路權,更具有公車服務之營運彈性優勢。規劃完善之BRT系統,曾在巴西庫里提巴與哥倫比亞波哥大等都市成功改變居民的運輸選擇,讓都市轉型為世界生態城市;相反的,規劃不完全之BRT服務則無法吸引旅次,未能彰顯公共運輸之效益。因此,如何妥善運用系統特性提供運輸服務,實為BRT規劃設計的重要課題。 本研究之目的係基於BRT系統之營運特性,建構一系統總成本模式,在使用者與營運者成本最小化之目標下,以分析性數學方法求解BRT走廊之跳蛙站距和班次的最佳服務計畫。研究具體目標包含探求以跳蛙式停站直達快車、每站皆停區間慢車之最適站距與班距;並藉由敏感度分析探討單位時間成本、行駛速率、旅客需求等參數與決策變數之相關性與影響程度。 為檢視模式之適用性,本研究參考公共運輸路廊規劃設計中使用之相關參數資料作為模式輸入值,並套用於設計案例進行實例分析。本研究建立之模式和分析結果,可以作為主管機關及營運單位對於BRT規劃設計之參考。


Bus rapid transit (BRT) has been known for its characteristics of combining flexible operation of bus system and better service quality of rail system. Well-arranged BRT system successfully motivates people changing their travel mode and turns over a congested city to a green transport city, such as the BRT systems in Curitiba, Brazil and Bogota, Columbia. It is recognized from the successful systems that service arrangement based on BRT characteristics is crucial in planning and design of BRT system. This study aims to develop a mathematical model for service design of a BRT corridor in which both skip-stop fast bus and local general bus are included. Under a total cost minimization objective, the decision variables consist of the headways of skip-stop fast bus and local bus as well as the stop spacings of skip-stop fast bus and local bus. The relations between the decision variables and system parameters are also identified analytically. For verifying the model’s applicability, this study uses a typical city corridor as a case study. Numerical analyses were conducted. Study results have shown that the model proposed in this study can be used in planning and design of BRT system with function of skip-stop operation.


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