  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Taiwan’s Energy Transition Challenge (2008 to 2015)

指導教授 : 周桂田


我國自2000年起第一次政黨輪替後,政府開始倡議有關「非核家園」議題,而在非核家園概念下,發展再生能源的想法也引入臺灣,而我國也在2001年起推動再生能源相關立法,包含《再生能源發展條例》、《電業法》修正案以及《溫室氣體減量法》等,直到現在我國成功推動了《再生能源發展條例》與《溫室氣體減量與管理法》,然而反應到實際上的再生能源使用仍然相當稀少,傳統能源、核能仍然佔比相當高,因此本文想分析我國能源轉型過程中到底遭遇了哪些困難與挑戰。 本文開始將從《再生能源發展條例》在立法院推動過程中理解於民進黨執政時期主要再生能源發展困難,以及當時政治環境背景下遭遇了哪些障礙。此外,在《再生能源發展條例》立法之前,再生能源與核能彼此之間能源角色定位分析。而在2009年《再生能源發展條例》通過後將從三個角度切入,風險認知、專家政治、發展型國家三個角度,解析幾項重要再生能源發展關鍵要素,第一點,討論能源認知差異從再生能源發展潛力、能源成本爭議,將從再生能源穩定度、天然因素等剖析,在風險認知不同情況下,官方與民間論述差異。第二點,將從我國經濟模式的選擇探討能源轉型遲滯,從高耗能產業經濟阻礙了再生能源應用以及如何從節能面降低我國能源消耗。第三部分,將從制度與環境分析目前我國能源轉型尚未補齊制度,包含:智慧電網、電業法修法、電力自由化等三大議題。最後一章,將分析我國再生能源在立法前後都具有相當高爭議的躉購費率制度,對於業者、民眾影響以及從屏東養水種電案例分析官民不信任因素。 本文除了用微觀理論分析不同議題論述分析外,在整體架構,筆者使用「反身性治理」以及「轉型管理」概念評析我國能源轉型現況,提出政府、社會、公民與企業應作為而未作為之處,也期待本篇文章能再現階段提供我國能源轉型過程中一個整合性檢討與政策建議。


After first party alternation in 2000, Taiwan government started to promote the image of nuclear-free homeland; therefore, the idea of developing renewable energy emerged. Renewable Energy Development Bill Completed Third Reading at the Legislative Yuan in July 2009. However, we still have very low proportion of utilizing renewable energy during 5 years. The purpose of this thesis is to explain the reason of the failure of developing renewable energy in Taiwan. In the second chapter, review the historical context of Renewable Energy Development Bill and explain the difficulty of elaborating renewable energy during the DPP government. In the third chatpter, by risk perception, to discuss the future of renewable energy and specify the conflict between government and citizen thinking about the potential of renewable energy in Taiwan. In the forth chapter, by developing state pattern to compare renewable energy and nuclear capacity in Taiwan. In the fifth chapter, I will analyze the deficiency of institution and monopoly of power market in Taiwan. In last chapter, by risk perception and technocracy to analyze the issue about Taiwan renewable energy policy. The purpose is to clarify the debate between government and company about Taiwan Fit-in-tariff policy. Besides that, the thesis includes ‘’ Reflexive Governance’’ and ‘’Transition’ ’to make the recommendation of Taiwan energy policy.


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