  • 學位論文

人際關係愈熱絡愈好嗎? Facebook之實證分析

Does Familiarity Breed Attraction? An Empirical Study of Facebook

指導教授 : 黃恆獎


人際關係發展,指互動的個體間如何透過交流與發展,形成相互依存及相互聯絡之關係,長久以來為學者研究重點。發展過程中,影響互動雙方之熟悉度、人際吸引、親密度及信任度之要素,包含互動頻率高低、認識時間長短、互動內容多寡、背景相似性高低與興趣相似性高低。上述各要素多扮演重要角色,影響互動雙方之熟悉度等情感指標高低。過去學者之理論與實證多數證實,現實生活中,隨互動頻率、認識時間、互動內容與相似度上升,人際關係中之衡量要素會正向上升。換言之,五項要素與人際關係發展指標呈現正相關。本研究欲結合過去個別要素研究,形成結構模型方式,探究以社群網路工具Facebook提供之功能,驗證人際關係發展之要素與衡量指標間之正向關係。故本研究以五項前因變數:互動頻率、認識時間、互動內容、背景相似度及興趣相似度作為前因變數,衡量其水準高低變化,對於人際關係發展四項指標:熟悉度、人際吸引、親密度及信任度之影響。透過社群網路Facebook作為工具,利用「關於」、「動態消息」、「即時通訊」、「友誼紀錄」等功能,確認並訂出前因變數之高、中、低水準。了解Facebook用戶透過這些功能如何定義並發展人際關係。設計兩個實驗,實驗一透過單因子多變量變異數分析(One-way MANOVA)獨立衡量交流頻率、認識時間與互動內容指標;實驗二則利用多因子多變量變異數分析(Multi-way MANOVA)組內分析方式,衡量背景相似度與興趣相似度對衡量指標影響。研究結果可歸納下列結論:互動頻率、認識時間對熟悉度、人際吸引、親密度及信任度,具顯著正向影響。互動內容對四項指標影響效果不顯著。背景相似度對四項指標具顯著正向主效果影響、興趣相似度只對熟悉度指標顯著正向影響。而背景相似度與興趣相似度兩者之交互作用效果對熟悉度、親密度及信任度具顯著正向效果。


Development of Interpersonal Relationship means two or more people construct interdependent relations or connections between each other. During the developing process, Frequency of interaction, Temporal distances of acquaintance, Content of interaction, Homophily and Shared interests play the role as independent factors to affect Familiarity, Liking, Intimacy and Trust. From the Literature review, most studies prove the positive correlation between frequency, temporal distance, content, similarity and interpersonal relationship in real time face to face interaction. Our study intends to construct a model, confirming the relations between independent variables: frequency, temporal distance, content and similarity, and dependent variables: Familiarity, Liking, Intimacy and Trust. With the help of social network sites, Facebook, we tried to prove the development of interpersonal relationship theories are also work out on internet. By using the function, “Profile,” “Status,” “Like,” “Inbox,” and “Friendship,” planning out high, medium and low levels for different attributes, to analyze the effect on familiarity, liking, intimacy and trust. Our study separate into two experiments. In Experiment 1, using One-way Multivariate analysis of variance to analyze the relations between frequency, temporal distance, content and interpersonal relationship factors. On the other hand, in Experiment 2, using Multi-way Multivariate analysis of variance and With-in subjects design to check the relation between similarity and interpersonal relationship. With the analysis, our study generalized following conclusions: First, on social network sites Facebook, Frequency of interaction and Temporal distance of acquaintance have significant effect on interpersonal relationship development, positively enhance familiarity, liking, intimacy and trust. On the other hand, Sharing content of interaction shows no significant on this four factors. Also, the similarity about background, Homophily, has positively main effect on interpersonal relationship formation, but Shared interest shows no significant effect. After all, the interaction effect of both has significant effect on familiarity, intimacy and trust. In conclusion, our study proposed a structured model for analyzing interpersonal relationship developing factors, with the help of Facebook, and confirmed with the positive relationships between important factors.


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