  • 學位論文


Developing a Concept Plan of Geopark for Chinguashih Disused Mine Area

指導教授 : 王鑫


摘 要 1999年,聯合國教科文組織推出地質公園(Geopark)標章計畫,成為國際上保護地球資産的重要概念。地質公園不僅保護特殊地質地形景點鼓勵科學研究,亦可作爲推動地質旅遊的基地,爲地方創造經濟發展的可能性。目前聯合國教科文組織於2004年通過28個世界級的地質公園,地質公園逐漸成爲世界各國推動地質地形保育的重要形式,其中以中國及歐盟國家發展最快。 金瓜石地區是臺灣三十一個優先推動設置地質公園的景點之一(王鑫、李光中,2003)。基隆山、本山及無耳茶壺山均是金瓜石地區重要的特殊地質地形景點,其成因與當地區域地質環境有密切的相關。金瓜石地區位於臺灣基隆火山群分佈地區,以侵入式岩漿活動爲主,是臺灣金銅礦物高度聚集的地方(余炳盛、方建能,1995;譚立平、魏稽生,1997)。地表下多樣而高品位的經濟礦物成爲金瓜石地區重要的資産。自1894年正式開始採礦以來,開創了金瓜石九份地區繁華的年代。雖然今日礦業已停歇,但遺留下來的礦業遺迹及歷史文化形塑了獨特的地方特質,符合劃設地質公園「以地質地形爲主,以人文歷史爲輔」的條件,因此選擇金瓜石地區作爲研究區,進行地質公園概念性規劃。 本研究由「地球襲産保育」的角度出發,以「分區管理」及「特殊地質地形景點保護」兩個面向進行分析。 首先透過「地勢分析」將金瓜石地區分爲四類十個景觀同質單元,並進行地景特質描述。其次,以「疊慧法」就特殊地質地形的「重要景點評選」、「景點評估」及「景點管理措施」三部份,取得專家群的共識及建議。最後提出三個管理分區,並將特殊景觀區依據地質地形特性分爲五個景區,以做為未來發展地質旅遊及地質步道的基礎。


Abstract UNESCO promotes the new concept of “UNESCO-Geopark” since 1999, which emphasizes protection and promotion of geological sites. Geopark was recognized as a tool to harmonize the relationship between people and geology. Besides geoconservation and earth science research, geological tourism will serve as a focus for local economic development. China and Countries of the European Union developed geoparks successfully. In April 2004, UNESCO 25 world geoparks declared and established a world geopark office in Beijing, China. In Taiwan, Chinguashih area is on the priority list of potential geoparks.Pleistocene intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks occurred in the Chinguashin area. Faulting activity was followed by mineralization, which eventually produced the gold and copper deposits. The mining industry began in 1894, followed by a golden age in Chinguashih and Chiufen. Although the mining industry ended in 1987, the natural landscape and relics of mine-workings are heritages of Chinguashih. Chinguashih has the properties of a geopark, in items of geological and cultural resources. Hence, Chinguashih is selected to be the study area in this thesis. This paper formulates a concept plan from the viewpoint of earth heritage conservation. Delineation of management zones and valuation of the sites of geological and geomorphological importance in Chinguashih were conducted. Through terrain analysis, Chinguashih area was divided into four land types and ten character areas with landscape characteristic descriptions. And then, an evaluation and suggestion of management strategies of geological and geomorphical sites in Chinguashih, which were conducted by experts through Delphi survey. Consensus and comments of experts were used as the foundation for formulation of a concept management plan. Finally, Chinguashih area is divided into three management zones. Five geological conservation areas were further identified.


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余炳盛、方建能 1995 金瓜石九份地質觀察路線,台灣省立博物館。
何立德 1999 特殊地質地形景點選址與管理之研究—以海岸山脈地區為個案,國立台灣大學地理所碩士論文。
李思根、鄧國雄 1996 台灣東部地區地景登錄現況—以花蓮縣為例,第五屆全國地景保育大會論文集。
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