  • 學位論文


The Co-management experience of Balung, Torik (Duli) and Kalibuan (Wang-Xiang)

指導教授 : 盧道杰


本研究旨要探究臺灣原住民部落在與林務單位依正式法規共管,部落共管代表與部落公共事務決策體制的關連及其影響的因素。本研究以巴壟部落、都歷部落、望鄉部落為個案,以紮根理論的取徑,採用參與觀察、訪談與文獻回顧等研究方法,對部落公共事務決策體制、共管議題發展歷程與其討論,進行資料的蒐集與分析。 研究結果顯示,原住民族部落的傳統公共事務決策體制,在歷史推進的過程中,受到多樣政治、宗教、經濟等有別於部落傳統文化的外來刺激影響,讓現代部落的公共事務決策體制呈現組織團體多元併進、相互交織的複雜型態。而部分部落在公共事務決策保有或衍生似部落會議的部落溝通、決策平台。由於每個部落公共決策體制有其特殊性,一般情況下,以最熟悉部落公共事務決策體制的部落族人,自行籌組部落共管代表或給予籌組方式的建議,頗能貼合部落需求。而個案共管經驗中,在共管籌組過程具有裁量權的林務單位,對於部落共管代表的形成方式,在法規的架構下掌有絕對的影響力,是重要的外部部落代表產生影響因子。


共管 公共事務 決策 體制 權益關係人


Applying qualitative research methods such as participant observation, interview and literature review in three cases in which tribes are undertaking co-management issue with foresty administrations by legel system, this study aims to gather the data of decision-making institutions of public affairs and the discussing process of co-management issue in tribes, for the purposes of finding out the correlation between how tribes making public affairs’ decisions and the composition of co-management committee members of tribe as well as the elements affecting the composition of committee members. The results show that tribes’ institutions affected by time make their public affairs’ institutions in present become multi contron by social organisations. Some of tribes maintain or establish tribal council like decision-making platform. Usually the composition of committee members advised or consisted by tribes which kown themselves most may be a good choices. And the foresty administrations who get decision-making power in co-management process are the important external conponets to influence the compositon of committee members.


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