  • 學位論文


Road Quality Affected by Utility Cut

指導教授 : 周家蓓


市區道路係提供都會區所有商業、生活、消費以及休閒等各項活動之運輸動脈,所有旅次發生過程皆與市區道路息息相關,也因此用路人對其使用之道路所提供之服務品質必定投以關注之眼光。 近年來道路主管機關花費相當多的心力在改善道路服務品質工作上,與早期之路面情況相比較已見顯著成效。但在道路經過挖掘或人(手)孔分布密集路段,其路面狀況不佳導致行駛之車輛產生不適感受之情形仍普遍受用路者所詬病。 本研究彙整國內各都會區包括台北市、台北縣、台中市、台南市以及高雄市等五個縣市之道路挖掘管理辦法,並比較之間之異同;同時配合台北縣、市政府實際面訪以了解其管理工作執行現況及執行過程中所遭遇困難,並提出管理辦法之具體建議以作為辦法新增或修訂時之參考。 此外,本研究以國際糙度指標(IRI)及鋪面表面破壞情況指標(PCI)為評估鋪面服務績效之評估指標,針對台北市市區道路進行表面破壞情況調查及平坦度調查。將調查結果分析後,發現有85%的街廓其鋪面破壞狀況皆分布在很好及最佳之狀況;而平坦度方面則有70%的街廓IRI值在5m/km以下。所有路段之破壞種類以人(手)孔分布、道路挖掘及疲勞破壞三種破壞為最多,且在雙向多車道路段中,中(外)車道有此三種破壞之街廓百分比皆為內車道之近兩倍。 本研究藉調查之鋪面平坦度資料,配合人(手)孔資料、挖掘資料以及破壞狀況得分等影響變數,並以線性迴歸分析方式進行平坦度評估模式之構建及分析,建構之模式解釋能力可接受,此模式可作為評估道路養護對象時之參考。


Due to the extremely dense usage of city roads, road users always pay high attention on the roadway service quality. Although road authorities have been devoted into improving the road smoothness through years, patches and manholes are still two main distresses that receive most of the complains from road users. Some practical researches had been studied in the past, but the effects of utilities cut were seldom to be probed into. The regulations of utility cut practiced in some major cities of Taiwan are discussed in the thesis. The current conditions and the difficulties of implementing these regulations are presented through interviewing the road administrative agencies. Suggestions for improving the efficiency and practicability of the regulations are brought up. In addition, by integrating the international roughness index(IRI), pavement condition index(PCI), and various types of pavement distresses including manhole, a linear regression model of smoothness prediction is developed in this study. This model provides the authority to evaluate the quality of urban road.


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