  • 學位論文


Bridge Inspection and Application Study in Local Areas

指導教授 : 陳清泉


國內近二十年來歷經多次風災與地震,陸續重創地方鄉鎮交通與經濟發展,此乃顯現出橋樑檢測巡查機制的重要性。臺灣目前具有相當高比例的橋樑隸屬於鄉鎮地方轄區層級所維管,即無專業管養單位亦無標準檢測內容,為維地方交通之安全,實需一套有效且合宜的橋樑維護管理方法。有鑑於此,本研究仍針對鄉鎮地方轄區橋樑,研擬合宜的安全檢測評估架構,並參考新北市現行「橋樑目視檢測」內容,進行探討並驗證之。 本文參考國內外交通主管單位之「橋樑檢測機制」,首就其管理系統演進、類別、重點、評估頻率、人員資格與訓練等內容進行彙整瞭解。繼就國內之「公路」、「市區道路」、「農路」及「鐵路」等系統,探討其法源依據、維護管理範圍與重點等,作比對分析。再以新北市五股區於2007年至2010年橋樑檢測巡查為實例,就其「地理區位」、「環境特性」、「橋樑型式」及「各構件巡查結果」分別列表詳述、探討及分析。 經參考「D.E.R&U評估準則」、「A.B.C.D.N評估準則」及「危險度評估準則」之項目、評分(定)標準、特點、填列表格等,著手研修檢測巡查機制,其中權重乃參酌國內「AHP法」與「DAHP法」作綜整雙層修正後,針對梁式橋及版式橋兩種橋型各六座評估之。採用「危險度總評分」,含「耐久性」與「使用性」分級評定之。最後探討橋樑各背景因素(含橋型、橋長、道路分級及區位分級等)與評定成果之關連性,俾供我國鄉鎮地方轄區橋樑維護管理之研究及實務應用參考。


In the past two decades, large number of bridge damages happened in Taiwan caused by typhoons and earthquakes, severely hindering the district transportation and economic development. The most of bridges belong to the local administrative level, without professional maintenance units and unified inspection standard. This study is aimed at the safety of these bridges, and the safety assessment framework for the bridges are investigated, the examples adopted the existed data in Wugu District, New Taipei City, during 2007 to 2010, are presented. The regulations and inspections for maintenance of the existed bridges on the systems of highways, urban roads, agricultural roads and railways are carefully investigated. The regulations and their operations are mainly focused on the items of legal basis, scope, maintenance, management and safety assessment, etc. under the bridge authorities in Taiwan. The D.E.R&U assessment method, the A.B.C.D.N assessment method and the hazardous degree assessment method are well investigated. Their main inspection items are including the grading criteria, characteristics and form completion. In order to modify the inspection items, the item weight, applicable bridge types, and assessment criteria of the inspection mechanism of bridges in local areas are included. The overall assessment framework was improved and modified twice related to Taiwan’s AHP and DAHP cases. Then the girder bridge and slab bridge are assessed based on the modified assessment table contents. The analysis of the existed data in real examples is carried through, and the results are confirmed with very reasonable acceptance. Finally the conclusion can be made that the safety assessment approach for the maintenance of district bridges proposed herein this paper would be applicable to the practical use and for the valuable reference for related advanced studies.


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