  • 學位論文

農村社區生活支援中心志工團隊運作之研究 - 以一個基層農會為例

The Research of the Voluntary Team in Rural Community Information and Assistance Center -A case study of the Local Farmers’ Association

指導教授 : 高淑貴


本研究對農政單位近年來在家政推廣「在地老化」之政策和成果作一番歷史回顧、以系統理論為基礎,了解支援中心志工團隊運作之投入、過程和產出因素,並進而提出支援中心後續對農村服務之建議。支援中心的主要服務項目包含主要任務和次要任務,主要任務為電話問安、居家訪視、轉介服務,次要任務為奉茶服務、支援高齡者生活改善班和舉辦特殊節目活動,另有一批志工提供行政協助,如文書建檔和教學支援等。研究方法採質化研究的取向,研究方法採取參與觀察和半結構式的深度訪談。研究對象為台灣地區一個基層農會之農村社區生活支援中心的志工團隊,全隊志工人數共計30人,研究者訪問當中的23名志工,為了解支援中心整體運作方向,亦訪問農委會技正、農會總幹事等人。 研究者從個人、團隊和組織三方面探討團隊運作之投入。在農委會的計畫補助和總幹事的全力支持下成立該支援中心,支持志工參與志願團隊的個人動機包含利他型動機、空閒時間動機、自我型動機、社會關係動機和他人影響型動機,而家庭背景和工作就業環境亦會影響志工的參與情況。志工團隊的組成特徵是該農會精選之女性家政班員,年齡層位為40~60歲之間,並接受志工訓練講習。 團隊的運作過程包含志工在團隊任務上的參與、服務過程中遭遇的挫折,並對團隊內的人際互動模式,如溝通、領導、服從、支援和情感連結進行討論。 志工團隊的成果產出方面,個人收穫包含個體理念的改變、性情的轉變、知識技能的增長,對家人的幫助包含家庭成員間的關係改善並提供孩子良好的身教,並且拓展生活圈和社群,擁有良好的人際關係。而團隊在電話關懷、問安、提供保健諮詢、宣導長期照護資源方面亦有良好的績效,真正落實「健康老化」,才能在地老化。 深入探討該支援中心志工團隊之運作後,研究者提出其研究討論包含召開團隊會議、拓廣招募志工之管道、吸收年輕族群參與團隊、配合歲時節令舉辦活動、提供培訓課程、協助取得專業證照、設計指導員工作手冊、培養自我賦權能力、結合農會各推廣業務和整合鄉村地方資源,更能提升該志工團隊之服務績效和永續發展。


Some history research about the (Aging in Places) by the Agricultural Administration was reviewed, by using the system as a theory, understanding the achievements that housekeeping popularize in recent years: the inputs, progress and output factors of operation groups, than make suggestions to assistance centers in the countryside services. The main service items of the center includes the main duties and secondary duties, the main duty includes phone calls, visits, and referral services. The secondary duties are to serve tea, to improve the life class and hold special program activities for older people, also have another unit offering administration help, like document filing and supporting classes. The research approach qualitative studying, the interviews in observe of the structural formula. The research is on one of the basic rural community support associations of Taiwan, workers up to 30 people in count for the whole team, visiting 23 of the workers, in order to understand how the whole operation works, also interviewing the General Manager of Executive Farmer’s Associations. The researcher researches the operation from the point of individual, group and organization. With the full support from the Executive Farmer’s Associations, establishing this information and assistance center, supporting the will workers to participate in the personal motivation including favourable motive, self- motive, social relationships motive and others' influencing type motive in free time, and family backgrounds and work obtain employment environments can influence participation situations also. The composition characteristic of the will worker's group are housekeeping class women that this peasant association chooses carefully, mean age is 40-60 years old, willing to accept training and studying. The course of operation of the group includes the setback that the will workers meets in the course of participation, service on group's task, and the interpersonal interdynamic ways in the group, such as communicating, leading, obeying, supporting and linking and discussing with the emotion. The achievements of the will worker's group, changes the individual reaps, transition of the disposition, growth of the individual knowledge skills, the help for families including the improved relations among people and offering better teaching to children, and expand life range and community, having good interpersonal relationships. And also there are good performances in showing loving care for others, paying respect, offering health care consultation, leads to look after resources thou telephone calls, implement ' wear out health ', should it grows older. After probing into the operation of the information and assistance center, the researcher proposes the research and discusses in the meetings held by the group, widely opening the recruit channel, absorbing young generations to participate in the group, cooperate with natural climate season activities, offering training courses, supporting to obtain professional certificates, instructing the staff manual, training oneself compose of power and strength, combining the peasant businesses of the association and help combine resources of rural areas, then can improve the service performance of the will worker's group and develop continuously performance forever more.




