  • 學位論文


The Study of Nursing staff's Job satisfaction、organizational Commitment and Turnover ---Take nursing staff of Yi-Lan County as an example

指導教授 : 鍾國彪


本研究目的在探討及了解宜蘭縣護理人員的工作滿足及組織承諾的關係、護理人員之工作滿足及組織承諾與留任意願之間的關係、以及控制個人特質及機構別後,護理人員的工作滿足程度和組織承諾,與留任意願與轉職選擇之間的關係。 本研究採橫斷式調查方式,於2005年4月1日至4月22日,以宜蘭縣所有加入護理師護士公會之護理人員為調查對象,針對2,302位中發出1700份問卷。研究工具包括工作滿足量表、組織承諾量表和留任意願調查表。問卷回收1179份,其中有效問卷有1049份,有效回收率為61.7%。所得資料以統計軟體SPSS 11.5版進行建檔、除錯、次數、百分比、t檢定、因素分析、相關、複回歸等描述性及推論性統計分析。 研究結果顯示(1)護理人員工作滿意與組織承諾呈正相關;(2)護理人員工作滿意之工作成就與薪資福利滿足度愈高,則留任意願愈高,與留任意願呈顯著影響,其Adjusted R Square值為0.269 (F13,1009, P<.000), 顯示自變項對依變項有26.9%整體解釋力;(3)護理人員組織承諾之情感性承諾與繼續性承諾度高者,留任意願高,其Adjusted R Square值為.325 (F17,1031, P<.000) 達顯著水準,對留任意願有32.5%顯著性的解釋力;(4)工作滿意、組織承諾共同預測留任意願時,以薪資福利、情感性承諾與繼續性承諾等三個變數有顯著的影響;(5)回歸模式中的個人機特質僅有年齡、年資與身份別對留任意願有顯著的影響。 根據研究結果本研究提出以下的建議方案:(一)對醫院管理者及縣公會理事會的建議1.提高宜蘭縣護理人員之工作滿足程度;2.提供護理人員進修學業的管道,並有鼓勵進修制度,提升護理人員工作滿意度;3. 建構良好的溝通諮商管道。(二)對後續研究者的建議:(1)未來後續研究者可以針對影響工作滿足與組織承諾的原因作深入的探討;(2可以跨及他縣市或相同機構資料分析作比較;(3)在研究方法學方面,可加強架構及模式驗證的探討,例如運用因素分析與路徑分析的結構方程式,來釐清變相間的直接與間接的影響。


The purpose of this study is to understand: first, the relationship of nursing staff’s job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the Yilan county; second the relationship between nursing staff’s working satisfaction and intension to stay, between organizational commitment and intension to stay; third, the relationship of the nursing staffs’ work satisfaction and organizational commitment on intention to stay and or leave. This study is a cross sectional survey by mailing questionnaires to those nurses who attends to nurse's society Yilan county. The data collection period started from 1st April to 23rd April 2005. There are totally 1700 questionnaires out of 2,302 members. The contents includes three major parts: the job satisfies measures、organization's commitment measures and intention to stay or leave measures. There are 1179 samples replied, but 1049 of them were valid with a response rate of 61.7%. The statistical software SPSS (11.5 version) was applied for the data analysis. The statistics method included reliability analysis, validity analysis, factor analysis, descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The study found that:(1) organizational commitment has a positive correlation with job satisfaction; (2) the higher the degree of nursing staff's job satisfaction in working achievement and wages welfare, the higher the intension to stay. From regression analysis, adjusted R2 value is 26.9% (F13,1009,P< 0.000); (3) the higher the nursing staff’s degree in continuing commitment and emotional commitment, It show it become item by oneself to in accordance with becoming because there aren't item, higher the intension to stay. From regression analysis, adjusted R2 is 32.5% (F17, 1031, P<. 000); (4) three variables had significant relationship with intension to stay that included satisfaction with welfare of the wages, continuing commitment and, emotional commitment; (5) three personal characteristics: age, working duration, and position had significant relationship with intension to stay . There are two parts of recommendation from studying findings. Regarding hospital administrators and nursing society's council of the county, it is essential to improve job satisfaction for the nursing staff of Yilan county. Next, it is better to offer on-the-job training opportunity and provide multiple systems for encouraging advanced study. Finally, it is necessary to build and construct a good channel of consulting trader of communication. Regarding future research, it might be helpful to explore in depth the factors behind job satisfaction and organizational commitment by quantitative or qualitative approaches; it would be better off to extend to broader area or provide hospital profiles in given samples; after all, there are rooms for improvement in model construction and verification. Structural equation model could be an alternative approach combining factor analysis and path analysis to elaborate the relationship among those variables.


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