  • 學位論文


A Study on Fiduciary Duties of Corporate Directors and Officers — Focus on the Duty of Good Faith

指導教授 : 黃銘傑


在近年來全球重大經濟犯罪與金融弊案頻傳下,公司負責人在公司治理中所扮演之角色備受社會及投資人關注,特別是針對公司負責人對公司應負之義務與民事責任之檢討,更是改善公司治理體質之重點之一,而公司負責人對公司應負忠實義務之充實及責任制度之整備,顯然是更形重要的治本之道。 本文以公司負責人忠實義務內容之整備與責任制度之建構為目的,經由比較法及相關文獻整理,由美國德拉瓦州法院在近年來針對公司負責人忠實義務之重要判決見解(特別是關於善意義務)之介紹,以及美國公司法學者對於善意義務在忠實義務學說中發展著手,釐清善意義務在公司負責人忠實義務中之定位及其內容、範圍,以作為我國適用公司法第23條第1項忠實義務規定時解釋之參考,達到充實我國公司負責人忠實義務內涵之目的;在重新詮釋對於忠實義務之內涵之際,並考量到在董事責任制度上相應調整與強化,故參考日本公司法在董事忠實義務與責任減免制度上之規範方式,嘗試草擬我國公司負責人責任減免制度之架構,以供作日後公司法忠實義務之充實與責任制度之強化檢討之參考。 在章節安排上,本文於第一章概述研究動機、方法等,於第二章藉由美國德拉瓦州實務判決之認識,嘗試整理美國德拉瓦州法院對於善意義務之見解,復於第三章歸納美國公司法學界見解,整理善意義務在行為標準與司法審查標準上之內涵,釐清善意義務之樣貌;於第四章中則討論日本公司法對於公司負責人忠實義務與責任減免制度,並於第五章整合上述內容,參照我國公司法制與實務現況,嘗試對我國公司負責人義務與責任制度提供新的解釋空間與發展方向,最後在第六章整理本文研究成果,期望提供我國忠實義務內容與配套制度齊備檢討。


Since there are a lot of economic crimes and financial scandals in recent years, more and more people today focus their attention on the roles which corporate directors and office should play in corporate governance. Especially the reviews of duties and liabilities that they owe to the corporation have been regarded as the significant point of the improvement in corporate governance. However, the unawareness of the concept and the failure to make relative regulations which meet social expectations leaded to the increasing of corporate misconducts. The complement of director and officer fiduciary duties and the liability system may be the key approach to solve the problems. In this thesis, the research focuses on the development of fiduciary duties (especially the duty of good faith and business judgment rule) and the corresponding liability system. Through the comparative analysis on American law and Japanese law and literature review, it reveals that the duty of good faith is important part of fiduciary duties, and the clarification of the duty of good faith can give reference to the compliance of corporate law. In addition, by imitating exculpation and limitation of director and officer liability provisions in Japanese Corporate Law, the research attempts to constitute a rough framework of liability system fit for our country. In conclusion, the discussion on the evolution of the duty of good faith can help us to interpret the fiduciary duties in a modern light, making them more definite and more comprehensive. Furthermore, constituting an appropriate exculpation and limitation liability system can make the regulations more complete. The research of this paper may leave some advices to the review of existing regulation.


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陳柏文(2012)。公司負責人忠實義務與司法審查標準之建構 —從商業判斷法則出發〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.02292
