  • 學位論文


Constructing Competency Indicator for Banking Call Center

指導教授 : 陳達仁


台灣金融業在國際化、自由化的趨勢下,不僅國外業者入侵,本土業者也開放新設,在競爭多年後,逐漸去蕪存菁,在不斷運轉的退出或合併的市場機制下有幸存續者,為適應適者生存無情的競爭考驗,對於「如何取得客戶?」這個重要議題,金融業者無不是費盡心思,再三要求,視為命脈存續的最高指導原則。在過去,「獲取客戶」,不外總是要求業務部門積極擴展、行銷商品,同時,要求服務部門做好接續服務。而由於資訊、科技發達,虛擬的空中銀行、網路銀行、行動裝置的APP金融服務,快速發展,這些有別於實地面對面的交易或服務,都涵蓋在客服中心的職責。金融業者已不再粗淺地認為「服務」只是產品的附屬,而是明白感受到銷售其實也是來自服務的結果。   金融業者都握有共同的通路,金融商品差異亦不大,所配置的資訊系統設備也大同小異,唯一可以形塑出不同服務品質的表象在於「人員」。服務品質的優劣在於對於人員的選、訓、管理。   本研究為利用多準則決策工具來建立銀行客服中心的職能標準,探討在專業知識、工作技能、解決問題能力、溝通能力和敬業態度此五種構面下哪些職能是銀行業界高階主管人員認為從業人員最該具備的能力,在這些職能下找出最影響就業機會之職能,運用模糊德菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method)進行產業所需人材之職能建構。希望藉由此建構指標下,讓在學生能夠依照此依據來給予職涯前的學習培養策略,如此可為企業整體創造更高的競爭力與優勢。   本研究由專業職能發展觀點進行,重點放於銀行客服人員須具備的職能要素,因此本研究主要探討銀行客服人員實務所需的專業職能,並建立一套指標系統,以及提供實務性與理論性的看法,作為銀行界在建構客服人員專業職能指標規劃上之參考。


The financial industry in Taiwan has become very competitive under the environment of international and freedom. Existing companies has to establish new strategies to attract new customers. In the past, good sales development and promotion are likely to attract customers, while customer service has now also become important. As virtual banking, internet banking and mobile APP service have become rapidly popular and are managed under customer service center, financial industry realizes that “service” is not just a part of product, but also an important quality that drives sales. Nearly all companies in financial industry provide similar channels and products, same with its information system. Therefore, standards in staff will differentiate the service quality.and the service quality of staff depends on selection, training and management. This research focuses on MCDM method to establish functional indicator of banking service center, to investigate under five scopes of knowledge, skills, problem solving, communication and attitude, which the most required ability and most influential job opportunity of high-level banking executives, using Fuzzy-Delphi to establish the functional structure of required human resource. By establishing the indicators, this research aims to contribute a guideline for career learning strategy for undergraduate students, thus, creating competitive advantage for the enterprise. Based on the perspective of professional career development, this study focuses on required competency factors of customer service staff of bank, to study the consistency between the business related education of college and the required practical criteria of banking, establishing a system of index to provide the practical and theoretical point of view, as the reference of establish functional indicator of customer service staff of banking.


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