  • 學位論文

Huang & Yang 整合行銷傳播與永續發展顧問 營運計劃書

Huang & Yang: Integrated Communications & Sustainability Consulting Services

指導教授 : 黃俊堯




行銷傳播 永續發展 顧問


The purpose of this business plan is to showcase the market of a more sustainable Public Relations (PR) consulting service in Taiwan. Based on my own experiences acting as a client representing a major company and professionally as consultant, there are opportunities to create a better ecosystem for the PR industry in Taiwan. The PR industry has been really competitive in this small island, Taiwan. With rising global interest, Taiwan has started to follow global corporate social responsibility initiatives. This gives PR agencies opportunities to use their knowledge and expertise to help companies to catch up with the global trend. More specifically, there is now a market in educating clients how to best publicize their environmental-sustainability initiatives. Services offered in sustainable PR could be offered to clients depending on their current commitment to sustainable practice; client company could range and benefit help from consulting service during the infancy stage where the client has not adopted any global corporate social responsibility initiative. On the other hand of the spectrum, there is the potential sustainable PR agencies to provide valuable/relevant third-party advice to client company entrenched in social responsibility initiatives. Currently, most agencies are offering sustainability consulting services are owned by global holding group or the holding group founded in Taiwan which all have big name and more resources, such as KPMG, Ogilvy, and Elite PR Group. To catch up to global trend, they use their resources to create different brands or teams to be specialized in this field. Therefore, there are no an agency whose main focus is on sustainability consulting service. By positioning ourselves as a mid to high level agency, Huang & Yang aims to offer clients quality services with real professionals who are from their related field; in order to better understand what the clients want all the while offering a more economical price comparing to those big global agencies. Huang & Yang is aware of its vision and well-defined purpose, so Huang & Yang will be able to build its brand and have more clients to join to create an ideal PR ecosystem in Taiwan.


[13] Ming-Yi Wu, Maureen Taylor, Mong-Ju Chen (2001). Exploring societal and cultural influences on Taiwanese public relations. Public Relations Review 27 (2001) 3117-336.
[1] "Global Communications Report 2016." University of Southern California’s Center for Public Relations and The Holmes Report. Web. (http://www.holmesreport.com/docs/default-source/default-document-library/2016-global-communications-report.pdf?sfvrsn=2).
[2] "2017 Global Communications Report Predicts Convergence of Marketing and PR." 30 Mar. 2017. Web. (https://www.holmesreport.com/latest/article/2017-global-communications-report-predicts-convergence-of-marketing-and-pr).
[3] "Global Communications Report 2017." USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism and The Holmes Report. Web. (http://annenberg.usc.edu/sites/default/files/KOS_2017_GCP_April6.pdf).
[4] Post, Jennifer. "What is Corporate Social Responsibility?" Business News Daily, 3 Apr. 2017. Web. (http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/4679-corporate-social-responsibility.html).
