  • 學位論文


The Effect of User-Charge Policy on Household Waste Behavior

指導教授 : 林明仁
共同指導教授 : 楊?霆


垃圾減量⼀直是全球垃圾政策的⽬標之⼀。新北市與台北市實施的隨袋徵收政策(使⽤者付費)是近年來被認為相當成功的垃圾減量政策之⼀,因此檢驗政策是否真的有助於家⼾丟垃圾⾏為的改變,兩者之間是有真實存在因果關係乃重要議題之⼀。本論⽂利⽤新北市2008 到2011 年,各個鄉鎮(⾏政區) 實施隨袋政策時間點作為斷點進⾏迴歸不連續法與鄉鎮層級的公務統計資料,檢驗使⽤者付費垃圾政策,對於家⼾⾏為的影響。 我們發現,使⽤者付費隨袋徵收政策,顯著降低家⼾⼀般垃圾的丟棄量達50% 左右,並增加廚餘的丟棄量達40%。其中,垃圾丟棄量減少的效果,在低所得地區更為顯著。使⽤者付費政策對家⼾回收丟棄量,只有在⾼所得與⾼教育⽔準地區有效果。此外,本⽂並沒有發現隨袋徵收政策,有顯著的政策外部性


This paper exploits the historical statistical data and government open data at the district level to examine the effect of Pay-As-You-Throw (User-Charge) on households’waste behavior. New Taipei City (Taiwan’s most populous city) initiated a Trash Per-bag Fee Collection Policy, versus the previous one based on household tap water consumption, in each district at different times from 2008 to 2011. We utilized the regression discontinuity design to estimate the overall policy effect and found the user-charge policy reduced solid waste quantities by about 50%, and increased food waste by about 40%.For the reduction of solid waste, the effect is stronger in the low income group. On the other hand, the effect of user charge on recycling significantly increase recycling only in higher education level and income group. In addition, the policy externality of user-charge is not statistically significant.


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