  • 學位論文


Syntheses and Studies of Modified Tri-naphthyridyl-di-amine/Tri-pyridyl-di-amine Ligands and Their Metal Complexes

指導教授 : 彭旭明


本 論 文 探 討 新 型 配 基 : 二 -2- 吡 啶 - 苯 -1,3- 二 胺(Di-pyridin-2-yl-benzene-1,3-diamine, H2dpbda) 、四-2-吡啶-苯-1,3-二胺 (Tetra-pyridin-2-yl-benzene-1,3-diamine, tepbda),以及經修飾的 2,7-二 (1,8- 萘 啶 )-4- 甲 基 -1,8- 萘 啶 二 胺 (2,7-Bis(1,8-naphthyridyl)-4-methyl-1,8-naphthyridyl-diamine, H2bnymnyda) 配位化學研究。 配基的合成,在強鹼 (t-BuOK) 與鈀錯合物催化的條件下,進行胺化反應可合成出 H2bnymnyda 及 tepbda 配基;經自催化反應則可得 H2dpbda 配基。 H2dpbda 配 基 與 銅 (II) 離 子 反 應 後 , 會 由 雙 核 銅 錯 合 物 {[(μ2-9-paPBI)CuH]ClO4}2 分解得氮-碳偶合 (N-C coupling) 且質子化的 9-(N-pyridin-2-yl)amino-pyrido[1,2-a]benzimidazole (9-paPBI) ; tepbda 配基與鎳(II) 、 銅(II) 金屬離子反應,則分別形成雙核的 [(μ2-tepbda)NiCl2]2 與具有弱反鐵磁性 (J = −0.75 cm-1) 的 [(μ2-tepbda)(CuCl2) 2]·CH3OH·0.5H2O}n 二維聚合物。 配基 H2bphany 的研究,已合成全順式的八核鎳金屬串錯合物 [Ni8(μ8-bnymnyda)4Cl2](ClO4)4 與 [Ni8(μ8-bnymnyda)4(NCS)2](ClO4)4 ,由晶體結構與磁性分析結果顯示,脫氫的配基(bnymnyda2–) 呈螺旋狀纏繞在金屬串上,八個鎳離子排列近乎直線,在兩端的萘啶系統中各還原一個電子,價數依序為 Ni12+…Ni21+…Ni32+…Ni42+…Ni4׳2+…Ni3׳2+…Ni2׳1+…Ni1׳2+ ,兩端 Ni1(׳)–Ni2(׳) 間為反鐵磁性,鄰近的 Ni1(׳)–Ni2(׳) 生成部分鍵結, 具 S = 3/2 ,而內部四個鎳離子則為低自旋態 (S = 0) ,其磁矩 μeff ~6 B.M. (300 K) 。兩者的電化學皆顯示約在 −0.8 V 、−0.5 V、 +0.1 V 有可逆的氧化還原對,具還原態較穩定傾向。以透光薄層電極研究,顯示兩者都是可逆性好的氧化還原反應。


金屬串 萘啶 吡啶 吡啶[1,2-a]咪唑


The aim of this thesis is to investigate the coordination chemistry of three kinds of ligands: di-pyridin-2-yl-benzene-1,3-diamine (H2dpbda) and tetra-pyridin-2-yl-benzene-1,3-diamine (tepbda), and methylated 2,7-Bis(1,8-naphthyridyl)-4-methyl-1,8-naphthyridyl-diamine (H2bnymnyda). The ligands tepbda and H2bnymnyda were synthesized by palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions, and H2dpbda was prepared by an autocatalyzed reaction. With the existence of Cu(II) ions, H2dpbda has been catalyzed to yield the protonated 9-(N-pyridin-2-yl)amino-pyrido[1,2-a]benzimidazole (9-paPBI) product via a N-C coupling reaction. The Ni(II) ions react with tepbda ligands leading to the formation of discrete dinuclear compound [(μ2-tepbda)NiCl2]2, and Cu(II) ions yield to 2D-coordination polymer {[(μ2-tepbda)(CuCl2)2] · CH3OH · 0.5H2O}n, which has weak anti-ferromagnetic interactions (J = −0.75 cm-1). The ligand H2bphany has been used to synthesize the octanickel complexes, [Ni8(μ8-bnymnyda)4Cl2](ClO4)4 and [Ni8(μ8-bnymnyda)4(NCS)2](ClO4)4, where the all syn form ligands have been deprotonated to act as octadentate bridges and were helically wrapped the metal ions to form a linear octanuclear metal string, structurally similar to previous reports. By X-ray structure analysis, we know two-electron reduction occurs on two ends of both metal strings and results in the Ni12+…Ni21+…Ni32+…Ni42+…Ni4׳2+…Ni3׳2+…Ni2׳1+…Ni1׳2+ partial localized arrangements, and Ni1(׳)–Ni2(׳) forms partial bond. The two ends of Ni1(׳)–Ni2(׳) units exhibit anti-ferromagnetic interactions with S = 3/2 character from magnetic studies (μeff ~ 6 B.M.at 300 K), while assuming the inner four nickel ions are in low-spin states (S = 0). The electrochemistry of these complexes displays three reversible redox couples around −0.8 V, −0.5 V, +0.1 V, indicating the reduction states preference. The optically transparent thin-layer electrode (OTTLE) shows both are in good conversions (84.1%−99.8%), so these nickel complexes are stable redox species.


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