  • 學位論文


Evaluation system for The Site Selection of A Technology Exhibition

指導教授 : 林建元


博物館與展示館是公益性質的文化建設,也是是一項現代政府有義務提供的公共財。為提供國民良好的文化休閒生活,及滿足終生學習的需求,此類展示性的文化建設確實有其必要,也是政府宣傳文化政策的常用手段之一。   博物館與展示館成功的要素有許多項,包括展示內容吸引力,票價合理性,行銷活動宣傳,以及與民眾接觸難易度。本研究將重點放在博物館建館位置選擇之方式。營運首先必須要有實體,選址為初步工作,而良好的區位能帶來較多人潮,進而增加博物館經濟、社會及教育上的效益。   一個好的館址到底具備什麼樣的條件,選址條件對展示館日後經營的影響力大小關係又是如何,彼此之間的比重該如取捨。這樣的問題是可以透過量化分析來達成,就是多準則決策方法中的「層級分析法」(Analytic Hierarchy Process Method簡稱AHP Method)。此方法是針對要做某種決策時,因為許多因素影響無法單靠人類智慧理性憑空判斷時而衍生出的輔助工具。AHP方法將影響一件事情的多個因素分類排列並建立彼此有從屬關係的層級架構,用兩兩相互比較,計算出權重,而每一層的要素之間所佔比例加總定為百分之百。   本研究指出科技展示館選址應重視環境、交通、成本、效益等四大向度,其中成本向度所佔比重最小,其他三者則相去不遠。根據統計結果發現,第二層的十五個小評估項目中,以參訪規模與大眾運輸被專家認為最為重要,而空間建置成本與機場可及性則重要性較小。   此外假設四個可能候選館址,經過專家評分,再分別乘以權重,得出台中自然科學博物館總加權後分數最高。科技展示館適當館址位置依序由最適當至不適當為:科博館、科工館、科教館、中華電信大樓(信義)。


The purpose of this thesis is to develop an evaluation system for the site selection of a technology exhibition. The proposed function is to educate the general public in order to promote application of new technology. According to achieve the main purpose, the first step is having a good location to founding the exhibition. Under this major premise, we need to identify evaluation criteria for the site evaluation and the weighting scores among them. Since many factors have to be considered for the site evaluation, a logical methodology is needed to maximize benefits from the investment. In this thesis, based on the “Multiple Criteria Decision Making Method“(MCDM), a decision making framework is developed. Furthermore, “Analytic Hierarchy Process Method” (AHP Method) is applied to calculate the weight of each criteria in the evaluation system. In addition, based on practical case called “M-Taiwan Project—Future Taiwan Exhibition”, this research project invited several experts to facilitate the evaluation process. Through many iteration, evaluation criteria, weighting scores and candidate sites are proposed and discussed. In this case study, the National Technology Museum at Taichung is ranked as the first priority for the proposed technology exhibition. It is concluded that a multiple criteria decision making system can be used to facilitate the site selection for the proposed technology museum. By so doing, it is more objective and transparent than traditional decision method. However, it should be noticed that there are additional factors need to be considered in the decision making process while more and different decision makers are involved.


Exhibition AHP Method Site Evaluation


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