  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Housing Unit Area and Building Lot Area, and Their Planning Implications

指導教授 : 華昌宜
共同指導教授 : 夏鑄九(Chu-Joe Hsia)


住宅單元面積(Housing Unit Area)與建築宗地面積(Building Lot Area)之間存在著許多的議題,而這篇論文則將注意力集中在下列的主題: • 住宅單元面積消費總體需求趨勢 • 法規對宗地面積的影響 • 都市規劃對街廓面積及其人口密度的影響 • 實際使用上所需之住宅單元面積,及多目標使用的居室規劃等 為了說明這些分析的發現,這篇論文檢視「東華大學城特定區優先發展區細部計畫及其管制要點」對其住宅區的規劃。最後提出下列政策建議: 一、以「租金補貼政策」強化租賃住宅市場,誘導「面積合乎實際使用的住宅單元」的生產。 (在台灣,大多數的人希望購買一個屬於自己的住宅單元,即使它的面積非常小,於是開發者生產了如此的住宅單元以順應之,這樣一來卻埋下了日後的禍端。) 二、提高「法定最小建築宗地面積值」,並且新訂「法定最小住宅單元面積值」 三、當局在草擬新市鎮開發計畫時,對於住宅單元面積、建築宗地面積與容積率等項目,應估計現實市場的需求再規劃實用的供給以順應之。 (尤其,所得的增加會導致對於住宅單元面積的需求也跟著增加。) 四、改良土地開發模式,將現行都市計畫之「區段徵收」與「計畫單元整體開發(PUD)」結合。 (一)由政府徵收開發區的土地,然後將整塊開發區土地標售給開發者。過程中,原本的地主一律領取現金補償,取消抵價地的制度。 (二)政府只須指定開發面積、總樓地板面積、整體的建蔽率,留下每塊建築宗地的設計參數項給開發者,使開發者能最有效率地使用土地以符合市場需求。


There are numerous themes of discussion on housing unit area and building lot area. But this thesis concentrates on analyses of the following topics: • The trend of demand for housing unit area consumption • The influence of by-laws and regulations on building lot area • The effects of urban planning on block area and its population density • The need of actual use of housing unit area, the interior design of multipurpose use, etc. To illustrate the findings of these analyses, this thesis also examines the residential part of the Development Plan of National Dong Hwa University City and its control regulations (東華大學城特定區優先發展區細部計畫及其管制要點). Finally, the thesis submits the following policy recommendations: Ⅰ. To promote production of housing units whose area conforms to actual use by a rent subsidy policy which may strengthen rental housing market. ( In Taiwan, most people want to purchase their own housing unit even if its size is so small, but developers produce housing units to match. This practice sow troubles for the future ) Ⅱ. To increase minimum statutory requirement of building lot area, and to establish minimum statutory requirement of housing unit area. Ⅲ. To estimate realistic market demand and match it with practical supply (in terms of building lot area, housing unit area, and floor area ratio) in drawing up development plan for new towns. (Furthermore, for housing unit area when the income increases, the quantity demanded increases. ) Ⅳ. To improving the current land development mode by combining the Extra Expropriation (區段徵收) with the Planned Unit Development (PUD). (Ⅰ) The authority should expropriate the area for development and sell the complete area to the developer. (Ⅱ) The authority should only specify the development area, total floor area and the overall building coverage ratio, and leave the design parameters of each lot to the developers so that the latter can most efficiently use the land to meet the market demand.




