  • 學位論文


The Image of Foreign Spouses in Taiwan – A Reflection on the Mainstream Ideologies and Nationalism

指導教授 : 何輝慶


在21世紀的今天,世界各國高喊多元文化政策,尊重、包容多元文化成為琅琅上口的教條,但實際上移民已成為極右派保守勢力渲洩的出口,也成為新殖民主義種族歧視的對象。2011年7月北歐挪威數十個年輕學子參加左派執政黨舉辦的夏令營活動,卻慘遭該國極端主義份子屠殺的事件,臺灣竟成為該瘋狂殺手筆下最值得「讚揚」的拒絕多元文化主義的「單一族群文化」(monocuturalism)民族國家。而我國的立法委員張曉風不解為何臺灣男子竟遠到異地與「雌性動物」婚配,令臺灣「剩女」過多,在立法院質詢內政部花費太多資源照顧外籍配偶。 本論文企圖從媒體報導、政策論述與學術研究三個面向來理解臺灣主流意識型態如何定義、建構、型塑國內東南亞外籍配偶的形象;其中所隱含的對外籍配偶的「他者化」,正侵蝕我國多元文化相互尊重包容的想像。臺灣是國際社會中被邊緣化的小國,曾經也位處於世界經濟體系的邊陲,要擺脫殖民主義與帝國主義之軛,惟有掙脫西方文明中的種族中心主義的宰制,才能獲得主體性。 臺灣近年來浮現的外籍配偶現象,卻是臺灣社會中的一片照妖鏡,它照見了我們社會中的種族階級意識的心態。也惟有透過後殖民主義的反省,被邊緣化的他者的處境,才有機會被檢視;臺灣社會過去所排除的,也有機會重新思考被納入。


In the twenty-first century, countries throughout the world are advocating cultural diversity policies. Respect and inclusion to promote cultural diversity has become a new doctrine. However, in reality, the issue of immigration has become an outlet of anger for extreme right-wing conservative forces. Immigrants have also become the target of racial discrimination by “neo-colonialism.” In July 2011, dozens of young students from Norway in Northern Europe were brutally massacred by a local extremist while attending a summer camp organized by the leftist governing party. During the ordeal, Taiwan was unexpected “praised” by the killer for being a nation state of monoculturalism that rejected cultural diversity. Legislator Chang Show-Foong cannot understand why Taiwanese men would travel abroad to marry “females” from foreign countries, leaving an over disproportional amount of “unwed females” in Taiwan and causing the Department of Interior to have to exert an excessive amount of resources on welfare programs for foreign spouses. In this study, we attempt to understand how mainstream ideologies in Taiwan define, construct, and shape the public’s impression of Southeast Asian foreign spouses through three dimensions: media coverage, policy statements, and academic research. The hidden “othering” of foreign spouses is eroding our respect and inclusion of diverse cultures. Taiwan is a small country that is marginalized by the international community; it was once even relegated to the border of the world' economic system. To escape from the yoke of colonialism and imperialism, after freedom from the domination of ethnocentrism in western civilizations, subjectivity must be attained. The phenomenon of foreign spouses in Taiwan is a mirror that reflects Taiwan’s social class and race-awareness. Only by reflecting on post-colonialism, can marginalization be examined, and those who were excluded by Taiwanese society have the chance to be reconsidered and included.


Foucault, Michel(1973)The Birth of the Clinic: The Archaeology of Medical Perception. London: Tavistock.


