  • 學位論文


The role of sons──A study of Pai Hsien-yung’s Crystal Boys

指導教授 : 柯慶明


白先勇《孽子》一書的出現在八○年代的臺灣獨樹一格,小說藉由外省第二代之青少年視角觀看七○年代初期的臺北,以及進入那人影幢幢的新公園黑暗王國的過程,為一部真正描寫「臺北人」的作品。本論文就白先勇《孽子》之內容作文本分析,由成長、同志、空間、國族四方面切入,深入探究小說透露之各種訊息。 《孽子》描述青少年主人翁離家過後的成長歷程,筆者循其足跡探求當時臺北的樣貌與各地區在小說中的代表意義,當小說人物進入到不同的「場景」,往往促成進一步心靈上的醒覺。本文分析新公園男同性戀的生活方式和相互關係如擬父子、擬兄弟關係與所構成的邦聯形貌,以及異性戀霸權結合父權造成的各種壓制與同性戀予之的回應,並觀察小說中對於軍人角色的敘述,從多重的家庭關係與族群會合兩部分來討論複雜的家國意涵。 本文由不同角度切入分析文本,然《孽子》本身呈顯的諸多意義是相互結合的,因此成長、同志、空間、國族四方面乃環環相扣,從作品中並可推知白先勇對於臺北土地與人的用心及觀照,以及對「黑暗王國」子民的關懷。


Publication of the book, Crystal Boys, made itself unique in Taiwan in 80’s. Through the viewpoint of the teenagers of the second generation of mainlanders, this novel describes Taipei in early seventies, and the progress of going to the “Dark Kingdom” in New Park. It is a novel which authentically describes “the people of Taipei”. In order to investigate all the information disclosed from the novel, this thesis will analyze it in four aspects: growth, homosexuality, space and nation. Crystal Boys describes the growth process of the adolescent leading character after his leaving home. By following his tracks, this thesis want to seek the origin appearance of Taipei and the meaning which every district presents. When the character of the novel gets into different “scenes”, it often contributes to the further spiritual awareness. This thesis analyzes the lifestyles, the interrelationship, such as fictitious father and son, and fictitious brothers of the male homosexuals in New Park, and the alliance formed by them, as well as all kinds of oppressions which are integrated by the heterosexual hegemony and patriarchy and the response of homosexuals. At the same time, This thesis observe the descriptions of the military roles in the novel, and discuss the complicated home-country meanings in two parts: multiple family relationships, and the assembling of ethnic groups. This thesis will analyze the novel by different aspects. However, many meanings which Crystal Boys presents itself are combined together. Therefore, four aspects: growth, homosexuality, space and nation, are linked each other. According to the novel, we can infer that Hsien Yung Pai cares about the city and the people of Taipei as well as the people of “Dark Kingdom”.


施正鋒《臺灣人的民族認同》,臺北市 : 前衛,2000,初版
盧建榮《分裂的國族認同 : 1975-1997》,臺北市 : 麥田,1999,初版
