  • 學位論文


The Exploration of the Tribal Children in Their Life Contexts:A Case Study in Xinguang and Cinsbu at Jianshi Xiang

指導教授 : 余漢儀


受到百餘年外來統治力量的操控、同化政策的影響、主流社會的歧視,又家庭處境相形不利、高家庭解組風險、政府對原住民兒童的關注有限;伴隨觀光興起,部落逐漸貧富不均,而派系分化、空泛的社區營造,也未能集結部落居民,形成合作、共同經營的力量。試問,在部落成長的孩子,生活世界呈現何種圖像?支持、影響成長的相關條件為何?由於過去研究少有以孩童為中心,探究部落的生活內涵,因此,我整合生態體系與支持網絡觀點,採質性研究方法,透過逐步篩選,以新光、鎮西堡為田野,邀請16位(來自10個家庭)孩童參與,藉著深度訪談、參與觀察蒐集資料,以了解部落的生活形貌、支持網絡的運作,並分析形塑部落孩童生活的結構力量。 首先,我分別呈現孩童的家庭背景、部落環境與生活特色;再描述孩童眼中的支持網絡,親屬關係的重要性、支持的類型;討論外界的資源,如何透過網絡運作影響孩童、家庭,並發現支持網絡的運作,受到「身份歸屬」、「需求的想像與判定」、「求生困境的真實性」等影響,形成「供給面主導,需求面配合」的特殊現象。最後,我也發現部落孩童面對生存困境、分裂的互動界線與原漢差異位階、主流文化的蠶食鯨吞。 因此,流入部落的資源雖多,受到身份資格、管控與防弊等福利意識形態影響,因而配置不均,佐以貨幣交易模式、部落環境的限制,家庭經濟收益有限;又教派割裂部落、政教合一深化互動界線;孩童不僅內化區隔界線、差異位階,又身處投資未來的困局,若不介入改變,終將承襲弱勢身份。所以實務工作與政策的未來走向,應朝向跨越區隔界線、形成族群集體意識;針對部落當前的生活,我提出以下具體建議:(1)發展在地經濟、(2) 宣教組織的反省與對話、(3)貼近部落的教學與師資、(4)學校社工的進駐、(5)善用社區組織的技術。


Influenced by the manipulation of foreign governance, the policy of cultural assimilation, and the discrimination of the social majority, endangered by the relatively unfavorable situation of families, high risk of the dissolution of families, and the restricted concern of the government toward aboriginal children, accompanied with uneven distribution of wealth due to the development of tourism and both factional and hollow community empowering which is unable to gather the tribal inhabitants to cooperate, then, what images of the life context do the children raised up in the tribes have in mind? What are the relevant conditions to sustain and influence their growth? Since few studies of tribal lives were made according to a data-base of children, I locate Xinguang and Cinsbu as my field work by a gradual sifting and apply qualitative research method through in-depth interview and participant observation of sixteen tribal children (from ten families), thus synthesizing the ecological system and the viewpoint of social support network in order to understand the life configuration of the tribes as well as the operation of the support network and to analyze the structural power within the formation of tribal children’s life. First I will present respectively the background of the children, the tribal circumstances and the characteristics of life style, and then I will describe the support network in children’s minds, the importance and supporting types of family relationship. Meanwhile I will discuss how the exterior resources influences the children and their families by worldwide internet and how the operation of supporting network is affected by “identity,” “imagination and verdict of needs,” and “the reality of survival dilemma,” which results in a special “supply-led” phenomenon. Last but not least, I will also demonstrate how tribal children face the survival dilemma, the disunited boundaries of interaction, the status differentiation from Han Zu, and the annexation by mainstream cultures. While a large amount of resources flows into the tribes, the distribution is unfair on account of the ideology of welfare, including qualification, restraint, abuse-defense and so on. Moreover, the mode of currency exchange, the limit of the tribal environment, the economic depravity of the families and the intensified boundaries due to the integration of religious sects and tribes and their inharmoniousness, all these make the tribal children, who internalize the divisional lines and the differentiated status, troubled by a highly-probable failure to invest their future. Unless being interfered, they will inherit the disadvantaged identity in the long run. Thus the practical work and policy should move toward the crossing of divisional lines and the formation of tribal collective consciousness. I have the following suggestions aimed at the tribal situation quo: (1) to develop local economy, (2) the reflection and dialogue among religious organizations, (3) to cultivate teaching staff and materials aligned with tribal needs, (4) to introduce social workers into schools, (5) to utilize the skills of social organization.


