  • 學位論文


New Developments of German Social Business in Response to the European Refugee Crisis: Case Study of Social Business in Frankfurt am Main

指導教授 : 陳明通


近年來,敘利亞內戰造成大量難民湧入鄰近的歐洲國家,進而引發了歐洲難民危機與後續的社會問題。在此同時,德國作為歐洲重要國家率先接受了大量難民,其國家內部從政府、慈善團體、非政府組織到社會企業都相繼協助難民在德國的生活。而時下在面臨重要的社會議題時,社企的模式已成為解決社會問題的新解方,並在各地形成風潮。本研究因此旨在探討歐洲難民潮背景下德國社會企業的新發展,分析社會企業如何發揮其社會功能以解決社會問題,並透過其組織結構的運行,達到經營上的自立與永續。 本研究首先說明研究緣起、目的與問題,並提出研究架構;接著對於歐洲難民潮的背景與德國在其中扮演之角色進行說明,並以結構功能分析途徑論述德國社企的發展背景、組織結構面與社會功能面。在研究方法上,研究者透過實地觀察與深度訪談德國赫森邦法蘭克福的四個社會企業個案:The Ubuntu-Haus, Über den Tellerrand, Zubaka 與Linguedo,分析在難民潮與歐洲危機的情況下,德國社會企業的發展因應社會現象而產生了哪些改變與特點。 最後,本研究發現因應難民潮危機,德國社企在社會功能上產生共通性,提出解決難民議題之方法,在組織型態則出現不同於以往且更為永續的發展。其不僅著重於難民需求的協助,更納入移民融合、大眾觀念教育與外國勞工就業等相互影響的概念。本研究在結論部份運用了社會企業光譜的概念,提出德國社會企業光譜,除了以此歸納研究中的四個個案外,更提供一個結合國際議題、國內脈絡,以及社會企業的全新探討模式。


The conflict in Syria has led to a massive exodus, refugees and migrants are flooding into nearby countries, such as Turkey, Lebanon and Europe, which later on led to the “European Refugee Crisis.” In the meantime, Germany plays a major role in dealing with the refugee crisis; they provide huge amount of refugees with care, resettlement and education. While social business becomes an significant solution for social problems in recent years, this research is to discover how social business in Germany develop new “social function” and “organization structure” under the circumstances of the refugee situation in German society, and how they help to solve the problems. This research includes four case studies of social business in Frankfurt am Main, Germany: The Ubuntu-Haus, Über den Tellerrand, Zubaka and Linguedo. In the research, we first define the research background and questions. Second, we illustrate the international situations and indicators that influences the European Refugee Crisis. Third, we combine the Refugee Crisis and social business by defining the needs and problems of refugees in German Society. Finally, by depth interviewing and observing these social businesses, we analyze the new development of German social business in response to the European Refugee Crisis. To conclude, we discover that there are several similarities between these social businesses in “social function” and “organization structure”. Including changing mindset and social cohesion; the innovative factors for startups; the accurate of problem define; the systematized business model and the operation in international and larger scale. Finally, by using the concept of social enterprise (business) spectrum, the research tries to define all four case studies and purpose the idea of German Social Business Spectrum.


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