  • 學位論文


A Study on the Successful Civil Service Model of the Taipei Technology Parks

指導教授 : 張重昭


論文摘要 本研究係藉台北市政府經營南港軟體工業園區及台北內湖科技園區之成功經驗,探討兩園區形成及成長因素、具體市政作為及成效;同時分析台北市科技園區的優劣勢、科技園區的世界發展趨勢及相關產業政策,提出台北市科技園區未來發展策略。 台北市政府致力於科技園區的經營,期使台北市成為國內廠商的全球營運總部及跨國企業的亞太營運中心。但由於兩園區之土地均非市政府所有,故其經營係以市政服務方式為之。由建立單一窗口服務開始,以團隊之力經營科技園區。所實施的具體之市政作為包括:開放進駐條件、強化基礎建設及文化、生活機能、協助建立產學合作機制、提供獎勵措施、建構外籍人士適居都市、為兩岸三通請命等具體作為,使兩個園區年總營收達新台幣一兆三千億元,表現亮眼。 由於廠商進駐需求增加,台北市政府將擴展兩園區規模,並與規劃中的北投士林園區連結,形塑台北科技走廊。未來台北市政府如欲複製經營園區的成功經驗,維繫成長動能仍需調整過去發生之缺失、改善團隊運作模式、加強基礎建設、豐富生活機能、加速都市更新及進行先期規劃。 依前述之探討,本研究擬訂台北市經營科技園區的未來發展策略如下: 一、台北市政府員工為達成組織目標應徹底改變固有觀念。 二、建立台北市創新研發體系。 三、以育成、技轉、企業總部及研發中心維繫成長動能。 四、建構人文與科技並重的科技園區。 五、爭取成為國家科學園區獎勵優惠措施的一環。 六、管理、建設及使用三合一的先期規劃。 七、強化科技園區廠商協會合作功能並與國內外科技園區加強聯 繫。 關鍵詞:科技園區、未來發展策略。


THESIS ABSTRACT SENIOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSIYT NAME: Hueih-Meei Wu MONTH/YEAR: JUNE, 2005 ADVISER: Dr. Chung-Chau Chang TITLE: A Study on the Successful Civil Service Model of the Taipei Technology Parks This paper analyzes the essential elements of the success of Nankang Software Park and Neihu Technology Park; that is, how do they evolve and grow with municipal administration and services from the Taipei City Government, who undertook both operations and overcame obstacles to development. Secondly, the paper suggests future development tactics for the two parks by enumerating the advantages and disadvantages of Taipei City, the tendency toward global technology park development as well as the relevant industry policies. In order to boost Taipei into a global headquarters location for national enterprises as well as an Asia-pacific operations center for transnational corporations, the Taipei City Government has strived to manage the technology parks. However, Taipei City Government can only manage the parks through its municipal services, since it does not have possession of the two parks. As a result, the municipal government created “one-window service” to serve the enterprises in the parks. The Taipei City Government provides the following services and assistance: offering favorable conditions for the enterprises to locate in the Parks; improving the parks’ infrastructure, living environment and function, providing a collaboration mechanism between universities and enterprises to breed high-tech talent, giving incentives, creating a friendly environment for expatriates, favoring the cross-Strait three-way transportation, and etc. Hence the total revenue of the two parks, in 2004, achieved a remarkable NT$ 1.3 trillion through the efforts of Taipei City Government. The municipal government not only plans to expand the present parks, but also plans to build the Shihlin Technology Park so that the three parks form the Taipei Technology Corridor. To satisfy the increasing demands from the enterprises that set up in the technology parks, Taipei City Government shall utilize experience gained from servicing parks in the past, as well as amend and implement policies such as: improving emergency measures, formulating strategies to enhance industry competence, advancing the execution of municipal services, consolidating the transportation system, planning precautions against natural calamities, enriching the living environment and functions, speeding up urban renovation near the parks, and proceeding with the scheme for the Shihlin Technology Park, and etc. In conclusion, this paper proposes that the Taipei City Government make future development tactics for the technology parks as follows: 1.Transform from a bureaucracy to goal-oriented organization. 2.Construct a Taipei innovative R&D system. 3.Power the development through incubation, technology transfer, and by setting up R&D centers and industry headquarters. 4.Build the parks with the essence of culture and technology. 5.Apply to the central government for the national incentive programs for technology parks. 6.Early on, combine three elements: management, construction, and function. 7.Intensify the function of the service center setting in the technology parks. Keywords: technology parks, future development tactics




王建今(2012)。邁向企業城市? 台北市產業發展與都市再發展的政策與實質〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.01959
