  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林建元 曹壽民


現今世界先進國家傳統鐵路的經營已陸續轉型,大眾的觀光型態亦逐漸朝向深度主題之旅,在此背景下,結合鐵道運輸與觀光活動已成為新興的發展趨勢,國外如日本、美國、澳洲都已有不少成功先例。在國內,鐵道觀光化肇始於阿里山森林鐵路的轉型,其後於民國80年代在台鐵支線上興起,至今已逐漸影響其他產業鐵道的發展。鐵道觀光化是指鐵道從原本的運輸導向逐漸轉型為觀光導向,具有兩種性質與三類型態,是一長期變動的過程。 本研究從平溪線歷年營運的數據資料中,分別就觀光化策略、空間與時間三個面向分析鐵道觀光化對其產生的影響。在觀光化策略中,台鐵於81年4月實施的轉型政策影響最為顯著,對平溪線的客運量具有提升的效果。空間上則具有帶動沿線車站觀光發展的趨勢。在時間上,使平溪線營運呈現依時間不同變化,具有旺季與淡季的觀光活動特性。主要車站的營運亦呈現週間變動情況。 而從搭乘平溪線的觀光旅客問卷調查中可知,平溪線已成為具有相當吸引力之觀光標的,顯示轉型觀光化後的成效。觀光旅客具有高度重遊意願的調查結果亦是提供未來長期發展應致力提升旅客重遊率的重要指標。 本研究最後分析平溪線現今發展面臨之問題與困境,以觀光旅客及營運者觀點分別探討之,並提出短期改善與長期發展策略。另外,針對鐵路法對於鐵道觀光化的影響特闢一節闡述。惟提出之策略仍有賴後續進一步的可行性分析研究,以得知是否具實際執行的條件與預期成果。


The function of railway industry in advanced countries has changed gradually. Tourist modes of the masses also have becoming the subject tours. By this background, it is a new trend to combine railways with tourism. There are many successful cases in Japan, America, and Australia. In Taiwan, “Railway tourism” originated from Alishan Forest Railway and developed on TRA’s branch lines during 1990s. It spreads to other railways continually now. The main function of railways is transportation, tourism is an additional function. The process from transportation to tourism of railways is the researchful target in this thesis. This thesis will analyze the influence of operation which caused by this process. The influence will be discussed by tourist strategies, space, and time. In tourist strategies, TRA put the changing policy of operation into practice on April, 1992. It got remarkable effect. And the process can promote tourist development at other stations along Pingsi line. In addition, Pingsi line shows the operational characteristic which is affected by tourist activities. There are rush and slack seasons in this line. From the result of investigation on trains in Pingsi line, this rail has become the attractive scenic spot locally and tourists have high inclination to travel this area again. This opinion can provide the consultation for planning in the future. This research categorizes the problems and straits of development today in tourists’ and TRA’s viewpoints finally. And it suggests short-term and long-term measures. Besides, it will discuss the straits of railway tourism which caused by “Railway Law”. But the measures proposed by this thesis still need to carry feasibility studies out further to estimate the enforceable effect.


5.Ohio Department of Transportation, 2003, Rail Tourism Program Summary.
1.Gunn, Clare A., 1994, Tourism Planning—Basics, Concepts & Cases 3rd Edn., Washington, D. C.: Taylor & Francis.


周期進(2010)。以產業文化地景探討環境永續發展之意義 —以鐵路平溪線為例—〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201000771
