  • 學位論文


The Study of Privatization of Social Welfare in Taipei —the Analysis of Practice and Constraint of Local Governance

指導教授 : 趙永茂


社會福利民營化為應付實施「福利國家」政策之下,所帶來巨額的社會福利支出,進而造成財政危機所不得不然的改革措施。尤以在1970年代時爆發了全球性的經濟危機,各國政府在財政赤字的壓力之下,紛紛大幅縮減福利預算,使得政府漸漸退去福利直接提供者的角色。進而於1980年代由英美兩國在自由主義經濟思想的影響下,積極推動 政府改造運動並興起社會福利政策改革之風潮,而我國亦受到英、美經驗的波及而跟進,在1985年由台北市政府社會局將「臺北市博愛兒童發展中心」委託給第一兒童發展中心之下,揭開了我國實施公設民營制度的序幕,而台北市也在社會福利資源充沛及市政府行政首長的支持之下,迅速拓展公設民營委託案件,截至2007年台北市已有74件公設民營委託案,並以積極創造政府與民間團體之間「雙贏」的互助合作關係及提高對福利消費者的服務品質為最終目標。 本研究係以地方治理為途徑,針對台北市社會福利民營化個案研究,並藉由深度訪談、國內外地方上社會福利民營化案例之經驗汲取、衡量治理程度的指標及地方治理理論,試圖找出目前台北市社會福利業務公設民營個案所面臨的困境,以及可能的解決方式。期能為現行的台北市社會福利民營化業務,提供若干值得參考的政策建議。


The privatization of social welfare is the inevitable result of the reforms to improving the huge social welfare expense under the “welfare state” policies. In the 1970s’, the global economic crisis emerged; the governments of the countries were under pressure of the financial deficits. Most of the governments of the countries were forced to cut the welfare budgets. The role as the direct welfare provider of the government has faded away. In the 1980s’, under the influence of the liberal currents, the U.K. and U.S. governments proactively implemented the “reinventing government” and reformed the social welfare policies. Under the influences, the Government also followed the trends of the U.K. and U.S.. In 1985, the Department of Social Welfare of Taipei City Government contracted out the “Taipei Po-ai Children Development Center” to the First Children’s Development Center. This is the overture of the privatization system in Taiwan. With the abundant social welfare resources and the support of the leaders of Taipei City Government, the privatization cases have been grown fast. Dated to 2007, there have been 74 privatizations aiming to build up “win-win” cooperation between the government and private sectors and elevating the service qualities for the consumers of the social welfare. The study took the approach of local governance and focused on the cases of the social welfare privatization in Taipei City. By in-depth interview, reference the social welfare privatization case studies, the governance factors and the theories of the local governance, the study tried to indicate the problems which the privatized social institutes were facing, and the possible solutions to solve the mentioned problems. Hopefully, the study would provide some suggestions on the policies of the social welfare privatization for Taipei City Government.


陳雨彤,2007,《地方行銷與地方治理之硏究 : 以台北縣淡水鎮發展個案為例》,國立臺灣大學國家發展硏究所碩士論文


