  • 學位論文


A Study on National Park Volunteer System in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張長義教授


我國國家公園志工制度有完整的建置系統,志工對於國家公園經營管理的協助很大,尤其當志工人數超過4千多人,其產生的社會力對國家公園管理機關是不容忽視的,本文以墾丁、玉山、陽明山、太魯閣、雪霸及金門等六個國家公園的志工為對象,並就志工參與機會、志工參與動機、志工與管理處間的相互信任關係及志工組織與網絡等四個面向,探究志工制度的影響因素。國家公園志工的相關研究非常少,相關的文獻多散於心理學及社會學領域,本研究除了文獻分析法外,還運用了問卷調查法、焦點座談法、深度訪談法及參與觀察法等收集資料。 研究發現:志工參與機會受到國家公園經營管理計畫的影響較大,尤其以大型活動、環境教育活動的系統化為最重要的影響因素,並將我國國家公園志工制度分為建置期、發展期及成熟期;志工參與動機以”喜歡國家公園”為最主要的動機,志工持續擔任志工的理由”喜歡國家公園” 和原始動機一樣;志工與管理處間的信任關係之建立在於志工管理員的角色上,其次為增加志工的教育訓練與培力計畫;志工組織與網絡部分,志工聯誼會為國家公園志工主要組織,以”聯誼”為主要功能,至於志工聯盟組織定位及資源不足,無法朝向成立社團法人的長程目標邁進。 本研究亦就美國、日本、德國及澳韓等五個國之國家公園志工制度進行探究分析,並比較我國國家公園志工制度的異同,發現美國國家公園志工制度最為完善,澳洲國家公園次之,我國國家公園志工制度相較於德國及日韓等國健全。 最後,針對分析結果進行說明與討論,滙集本研究的結論與建議,提供後續研究及實務界之參考。


There is a complete national park volunteer system in Taiwan. Volunteers assist the national park management in diverse ways. When they grow by more than 4,000 in the National Park Administrations, it will become a new social force that could challenge its authority. The study assessed volunteer system from four Dimensions, which are volunteer opportunities, motivations, relational of mutual trust between volunteers and administrations, and volunteer organization network. The study areas included Kenting, Yushan, Yangmingshan, Taroko, Shei-Pa and Kinmen National Parks of Taiwan. As the articles about volunteers of national park are relatively few and emphasis on psychology and sociology fields. The study used five data analysis method including archival research, questionnaire research, focused interview research, depth interview research and participant observation research. The study finding: the management of national park, especially large-scale activities and environmental education turning routine programs, affected volunteer opportunities. The institutional process of national park volunteer system is divided into building phase, construction phase and maturity phase. The major motivation of volunteer in national park is ‘like national park’. The key reason for continuing to be volunteer is also ‘like national park’. The relationship of mutual trust between volunteers and administrations relies on the role of volunteer manager, training and empowerment. There are two volunteer organizations in national parks, Volunteer Association and the League of Volunteer Association. The former one is the most important organization to the volunteers and administration, social activities is its main function. The latter one couldn’t improve forward a formal organization because of unclear position and lack of support. The research also discussed the national park volunteer systems Including the United States, Japan, Germany, Australia and South Korea and compared with Taiwan national park volunteer system. We found that national park volunteer systems in US is most sound institution, followed by Germany, the third is Taiwan's. Finally, explaining the results of the analysis and discussion, this study brings the conclusions and recommendations, to provide follow-up studies and practical reference for the national park authorities


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